59. Aftercare

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Seb gripped hold of the back of a chair. He was gripping it so tightly that his knuckles turned ghostly white.

The commentators were talking about the incident but he had blocked it out.

Lily had to be ok. She just had to be. He'd been such a jerk and she had to be ok so he could make things right again. That couldn't be it. She couldn't be gone.

"Seb," Britta said gently, noticing the silent distress he was in. "I'm sure she's fine. Why don't you sit down?"

He ignored her. He could not speak. If he spoke he'd break down.

He suddenly snapped out of his stupor as he heard a commotion. He turned his head and saw Lance's trainer and press officer rushing out of the door.

He felt anger simmering inside him. If anything happened to Lily because of his teammate's reckless driving he'd fucking kill him, even if his dad did own the team.

"Seb sit down," Britta said again. This time he let her lead him over to a table in the far corner. He began to breathe fast. He felt nauseous.

"She will be fine."

"You don't know that." He glanced back at the television. All the cars were filing back into the pitlane as the red flag had been shown.

"And I've just heard that Lance Stroll has stopped on track. He has a puncture," the commentator said.

He knew he had to get himself together. He couldn't fall apart here in front of everyone. He had to think logically. Lily would be fine. The cars were so safe nowadays. He'd seen people walk away from worse.

As the minutes ticked by he began to fidget. In the end he stood up. "I can't stand this. I'm going to see what I can find out."

He stood up and made his way outside. He headed to his garage, cut through to the pitlane and over to the Ferrari pitwall.

"Riccardo, is she ok?" he asked his old engineer. Riccardo looked at him.

"Haven't spoke to her," he said gruffly.  Seb was shocked by how unfazed his old race engineer seemed to be.  He spotted Mattia a few feet away talking to Laurent Mekies. 

"Mattia," he said, butting in.  "Is Lily ok?"   Mattia looked surprised to see him.   Then he sighed.

"We don't know yet Sebastian.   The medical car is with her, as is an extraction team. The helicopter is on standby."

"Riccardo said he hasn't spoken to her."

"That is correct, but that could be because the radio was broken in the crash.    I'm sure she's probably fine."

"Seb!"  He turned his head and saw George heading his way.

"I'm sorry for interrupting.   Please let me know if you hear anything."   He walked over to George.

"Have you heard anything?" the Englishman asked.  Seb shook his head, his nausea returning.  Surely they should have heard something by now.   Then he had a thought.  Joel. 

He headed to the Haas pitwall but found the seat usually occupied by Joel empty. 

"If you're looking for Joel, he's heading to the medical centre," Guenther told him.  

Seb thanked Guenther and headed back towards his garage.  He didn't know what to  do now. He couldn't very well turn up at the medical centre.  They wouldn't let him in.  They wouldn't tell him anything.  

He was just about to enter his garage when he saw Lance inside.  

He stomped over to him, his worry manifesting as anger.

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