89. Until I Found You

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Lily was struggling to hold back her tears

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Lily was struggling to hold back her tears.  She'd never thought that it would hurt this bad.   Practice had been ok, quali had been ok, but now after the race she was in agony.

Her head had felt better after a week, although her bruise was still visible, it was her shoulder and her hip that were hurting.   She didn't know how much longer she could stay on her feet. 

Moving along to the next journalist , she forced as smile as they congratulated her on her fourth place.   She thanked them but was thinking to herself that fourth wasn't good.  Max had finished in third and had extended his championship lead to fifty points with three races to go.  It was all but over. 

She answered the questions put to her, silently wishing they'd just hurry up.   She needed to sit down.  

"So Lily, the championship is a little further out of your reach after Japan's DNF and today's result.   Do you think you could have done anything different?"

She gave a wry chuckle. "Yeah, not crashed!"  The journalist laughed awkwardly.  Another stab of pain shot through Lily's hip and she suddenly felt her legs buckling underneath her. 

She crumpled to the floor. Hearing worried voices asking her if she was ok, Lily reassured them all that she just needed some painkillers and some rest.  

"I think that's enough interviews for today," she heard Seb say, and the next moment she was scooped up in his arms.

Seb strode out of the pen, carrying Lily back towards Ferrari hospitality.   He'd seen Lily collapse and had abandoned his own interview, desperate to take care of her. 

"Seb, I'll get fined.  You'll get fined," she protested.

"I don't care, we can afford it.   You shouldn't be stood there when you're in so much pain."

"I'll be ok.  As I said, I just need my painkillers and a rest."

"And that's what you're going to get now."

They reached Ferrari. The security guard stood by the door held his hand out to stop Seb. 

"I'm afraid I cannot let you in.   You'll have to put Miss Scott down."

"The hell I will. She can barely stand, let alone walk."

"No members of opposing teams are allowed.  Boss's orders."

"It's ok Simon, let him take her through. Mattia is not here this weekend, so I am in charge," said Laurent Mekies, appearing in the doorway. "Take her to her room Sebastian." Seb nodded at Laurent in gratitude and swept into Ferrari.

The hospitality buildings were all the same so he knew exactly where to take Lily. Coming to a stop by the door that had her name on it, Seb told Lily to put her code into the keypad. She did so and then pushed the door handle down. Seb marched inside, the light came on automatically as it was motion sensitive. He briefly thought to himself that it was such a waste of energy having a light on in the daytime, but there was no other choice as the driver rooms didn't have windows.

The Limit (Sebastian Vettel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant