124. Viva Las Vegas!

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Lily could feel Seb's eyes on her as she sat chewing on a croissant. She understood that he wanted to make sure she was taking care of herself but he was beginning to annoy her with his constant supervision at mealtimes. She was beginning to feel like he didn't trust her.

"Would you like to take a photo?" she asked him. "It would last longer."

Seb sighed. He knew he was being overprotective, but he couldn't help it. Lily was his world and he didn't want to see her putting herself in danger.

"Lily stop being sarcastic. You know it's only because I care," he replied dryly. Lily felt guilty for her words. Of course he cared, and she loved him more for it.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I just feel a bit...I don't know, smothered. It feels like you don't trust me."

"I do trust you Schatz, it's just I don't want you forgetting to eat again. You're under so much pressure."

Lily reached a hand out and took his in it. She squeezed it. "I love you," she murmured.

Seb immediately felt his cock twitching. He briefly wondered if they'd have time to make love before they had to leave for the airport. He glanced at his watch. Damn it. They had to leave in fifteen minutes, and they'd need at least double that for what he had in mind.

"I can't believe I've never been to Vegas before," Lily said.

"It's loud, busy and extreme," Seb said. "Not my favourite place on earth." Lily laughed. She could imagine that Las Vegas was Seb's idea of hell. To be honest she wasn't very keen on the idea of it herself but she was excited for it in a way as Pierre would be proposing to Poppy, who was attending both Vegas and Abu Dhabi with baby Madeleine. She was also looking forward to meeting Daniel's girlfriend Lieke.

"I can't believe how quick this week has gone," she said. It had been good to be at home for six days but it was now time for the final push. They were flying to Vegas that afternoon, and they'd be flying to Abu Dhabi Sunday morning as the race was on Saturday.

"It has gone quick," Seb agreed. He personally couldn't wait for the season to be over so Lily could relax and they could spend some quality time together. Of course if she didn't win the championship she'd be devastated but Seb knew she'd soon begin to focus on the next season. Besides, he had faith that she could still do it. She excelled on street circuits, if she could win in Vegas she'd take it to the final round.

"So what's the plan tomorrow?" Seb asked. "What did Pierre say?" Since Brazil Pierre had texted Lily and told her himself about his planned proposal. She'd acted surprised, pretending to know nothing about it. He'd then told her how he was planning to propose to Poppy on the Tuesday evening at a rooftop restaurant overlooking the Strip. He wanted to ask her in front of their friends and loved ones.

"We are meeting at the restaurant at six," Lily told him. "I'm so excited. Poppy is gonna freak out! In a good way."

She popped the final piece of her croissant into her mouth and stood up to take her plate to the sink. She quickly washed it up and then stood it in the plate rack to dry.

Seb stood up and went to check everything one last time before they headed off to Zurich.

Lily opened the front door and looked outside. A lot of the trees she could see were evergreen, but the leaves on the ones that weren't had turned various shades of red, orange, brown and yellow. It wouldn't be long until all the trees were covered in snow. She was hoping this winter Seb would give her a few skiing lessons. He'd been planning to the previous winter but after Damon's death she'd pretty much stayed inside for most of the winter.

The Limit (Sebastian Vettel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon