31. When It Rains, It Pours

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Lily's hopes that she and Seb would be able to discuss the events of Silverstone like adults were soon dashed. He had avoided her like the plague in Germany.

He'd been staying in his motorhome again so she hadn't got a chance to see him until the Thursday.

Spotting him coming out of the Ferrari motorhome, she'd headed in his direction only to see him turn and go back inside again when he spotted her. He'd also avoided her later on in the afternoon, dodging into the back of the Ferrari garage when he'd seen her heading his way. 

What was his fucking problem? Why was he being so damn childish?

The next opportunity she had to speak to him was at the drivers briefing on the Friday evening. She wanted to get things straightened out between them before things got serious on track.  She was still annoyed about Silverstone, but as Daniel had said, that was racing. 

She knew she'd overreacted by shouting at him in public.  It had been an emotional couple of days for her after Damon's outburst at the barbecue, and Seb's carelessness on track had been the straw that broke the camel's back. 

Her plans to corner Seb after the driver briefing had been thwarted however when Seb had left with the race director, Michael Masi, and the GPDA chairman, Alexander Wurz. 

She abandoned her plans to speak to him after Saturday's qualifying session as she knew he wouldn't be in the mood to talk. In fact she was pretty sure he'd be in a foul mood after the qualifying session he'd had, or rather not had.  His team had detected a problem with the airflow to his turbo on his out lap in Q1, and he'd failed to set a time, meaning he'd have to start from the back of the grid.

Lily's qualifying hadn't been amazing either. Lando had got in her way on her last flying lap in Q1 and that had been the end of her day. P17 was a big disappointment.

The young Brit had been so apologetic afterwards, and he'd received a three place grid penalty from the stewards. He'd looked so forlorn that Lily hadn't been able to stay mad at him.

Sunday morning came around, and with it came the rain.

Lily had woken up to the sound of it hitting the window, and it hadn't let up at all. 

Now, huddled under a Haas umbrella with Kevin on the back of a lorry for the drivers parade, her admiration for the dedication of the fans soared. 

They must be drenched through and freezing, but they were still all there, cheering on their favourites.

She wasn't surprised to see that the majority of the crowd were waving German and Ferrari flags.  She lost count of the number of banners she saw  with name Seb, or Vettel, on them.  This was his home race, and they loved him.  

He may have been starting last, but he had pole position in the hearts of the crowd gathered there that day. 

"You talking to him yet?"  She glanced to her left and saw Daniel there, bundled up in a Renault raincoat, the hood pulled tightly around his head. 

"I would be, but he is doing his best to avoid me."

"Fucking pussy," he laughed.  "Just leave him to it.   He'll come around."

Normally Lily would agree with leaving him to it, but the way things had been left between them after the barbecue had her thinking that his behaviour was to do with more than just what had happened at Silverstone. 

She glanced over towards the back end of the truck where Seb was stood with Charles.  He was waving to the crowd with one hand, and trying to hold his umbrella up with the other.  Maybe she could catch him when the parade finished.

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