60. Cracks

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Lily smiled as she returned to the landing of the living.  She'd had the most wonderful dream.  She'd dreamt that Seb had come to see her and he'd looked after her and then she'd fallen asleep in his arms. 

She could see the bright sunshine through her eyelids, was it time to get up already?   She wasn't flying home until late afternoon but she had all her packing to do.  

Her body ached like crazy, but she knew she was lucky that she hadn't been more seriously hurt.  

Then she realised something.   Her pillow wasn't soft.  It was a hard muscular chest, and she could feel a steady heartbeat underneath her hand.  She wasn't alone in her bed.

Slowly she opened her eyes and gasped as she saw the sleeping form of Seb next to her.  It hadn't been a dream. He'd really been there. 

She ran the palm of her hand over his pec, biting her bottom lip as she felt his light sprinkling of chest hair scratching her palm. 

"Keep that up and I'll forget I'm trying to be a gentleman," Seb said, his eyes still closed.  Lily quickly removed her hand.   What was he doing here?

Seb slowly opened his eyes and looked at Lily.   She looked adorable, most of her hair had escaped her messy bun and was hanging loose over her shoulders.  

"Hey," he said softly.  "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Sore," she admitted. 

"I expect you are.  Can I get you anything?  A drink? Painkillers?" 

"No thank you. I have to get up anyway.  Call of nature."

She climbed out of bed and gingerly made her way to the bathroom, noticing her bathrobe, her bra and her knickers laid in a heap on the floor next to what she supposed  was Seb's T-shirt.  Then she almost gasped out loud as she saw Seb's wet boxer briefs. Was he naked in the bed?

As she shut the bathroom door behind her she looked down at what she was wearing. She couldn't remember changing into her nightshirt.

She looked around the bathroom and noticed that the bath was full of water. Suddenly her memories started flooding back.

Running the bath, Seb knocking on the door, falling into his arms, him carrying her into the bath. Then fainter memories, Seb asking for permission to undress her, the feel of him removing her bra, then everything was blank.

She relieved her bladder and brushed her teeth before looking at herself in the mirror. Damn, she looked a mess. She lifted her night shirt up and looked at her bruises. They'd grown even bigger over night.

She knew she should feel weird knowing Seb had seen her naked while she was unconscious but she didn't. She trusted him implicitly not to do anything to her without permission.

Dropping her nightshirt back down she turned the tap on again and splashed some cold water on her face. Then she headed back into the bedroom.

Seb was sat up in bed, the duvet pushed down to his knees. She noticed that he was wearing joggers. She climbed onto the bed near him and winced with pain again.

Seb slipped his arm around her shoulders and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you," she said. "For looking after me I mean."

"You don't have to thank me schatz. I was happy to stay. I'd been so worried. It was so good to hold you in my arms, to feel you breathing."

"I don't even really remember what happened."

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