55. Trouble of the Feline Kind

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Lily leant back against the Ferrari motorhome, waiting for Luca so they could head back to the hotel. Media Day was done and all she wanted was dinner and sleep. It had been a long day.

Her original flight the previous day had been cancelled due to mechanical failure and she hadn't arrived in Italy until early that morning. She'd just had time to check in, get changed and head to the circuit.

She jumped slightly as she felt something brush against her leg. Looking down, she saw the face of the most adorable tabby cat staring up at her.


Lily smiled and crouched down, stroking the cat's glossy fur.

"Hello handsome, you must be the infamous Formulino." She hadn't come across the cat the previous year, but had heard all about him and how he was considered a good luck omen, or a bad luck one as he'd been in Seb's case.

"He shouldn't have called you fat should he?" Lily murmured, moving her fingers to scratch the cat behind his ears.

"I see you've met the famous cat." Recognising the voice, Lily stood up and pasted a smile on her face.

"I did, he's adorable."

"Not overweight?" asked Ted Kravitz, the reporter from Sky Sports that had been interviewing Seb when he'd called the cat overweight.

"Not at all. He's just perfect." The cat gave a loud meow and then wandered off to find someone else to fuss over him.

"You'll get some good luck now," Ted teased.

"I need it!" Lily replied.

"Why's that?"

"No particular reason. Just everyone could do with Lady Luck on their side sometimes." She spotted Luca leaving the motorhome. "I'm heading off. See you around Ted."

"See ya Lily."

Lily fell into step besides Luca and they made their way to the car park. 

Reaching the silver Ferrari Portofino she'd been given the use of, she unlocked it and opened the driver door and tossed her backpack over the seat into the back.  

She got in and Luca got in the passenger side.  "So have you decided yet?"

"Decided what?" she asked as she put her seatbelt on. 

"About moving."

Lily had been thinking more and more about relocating to Italy now she was driving for Ferrari.   

So far she'd been travelling between the U.K. and Maranello, but if she was honest with herself all the flying was driving her nuts.   It wasn't an easy decision to make though.  If she moved she'd be living alone, and she knew she'd really miss Joel's company. 

"Still not a hundred percent sure," she admitted.  "But you'll be the first to know if I do decide to."  Luca nodded.

She started the car and reversed out of the space.    One thing she knew for sure, she couldn't wait to get her own Ferrari. She was getting the same model as the one she was currently driving, just in a deep red colour instead of silver.    It was on order and she'd been told she'd have it by the end of May. 

After a short drive, they arrived back at the hotel.  Lily stopped the car, reached over the seat to grab her bag, got out and handed the key to a valet.  Then she headed inside, leaving Luca chatting to Daniel's trainer Michael Italiano, who was just heading out for a run.

She headed straight for her room where she had a quick shower and got changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and pale blue lightweight jumper. 

She towelled her hair dry and tied it up into a ponytail.   Then she headed back down to the hotel restaurant where she was meeting Poppy and Pierre for dinner.   Joel was working late at the track so he couldn't make it. 

The Limit (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now