34. United We Stand

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A/N: Spa 2019, I found it really hard writing this chapter. I did consider not doing so, but also felt that it shouldn't be ignored.  RIP Anthoine. 💔 ⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️

Lily yawned as Guenther began to talk about Gene's expectations for the second half of the season. She had confidence in her own abilities, but there was only so much she could do with the car they'd given her. Hockenheim had been a freak result, one she'd been proud of, but a freak result just the same.

"Oh I'm sorry Miss Scott, am I boring you?" Guenther asked sarcastically.

"Not at all Mr Steiner," she replied. "I'm just tired."

She saw Joel stifling a laugh across the table.

"Well I think I've said all I have to say. Get yourself off to bed. I want to see you at the track bright and early tomorrow."

Lily stood up and left the hotel restaurant. She wasn't tired in the slightest, she'd just had enough of hearing unrealistic targets.

"How do you do it?" asked Kevin, falling into step beside her. "You've got Guenther wrapped around your little finger." She and Kevin had finally begun to get along well towards the end of the last season. He'd finally come to terms with the fact that she could actually drive and wasn't there just because she was Michael Scott's daughter.

"Probably because I didn't fok smash his door," she replied flippantly, referring to an incident that had happened at Silverstone, where Kevin had lost his temper and smashed Guenther's office door when he'd been summoned for a ticking off.

They stepped into the elevator and Kevin pressed the button for the eighth floor.

"Did Seb find you earlier?" the Dane asked. "He was looking for you after the press conference." Lily shook her head. She hadn't seen Seb at all. She hadn't been avoiding him, but their paths hadn't crossed. "I think he's got a crush on you."

Lily snorted. A crush? She didn't think crush was the word. That implied an innocent little attraction, and Seb could never be described as an innocent.

The elevator doors slid open and they walked out. "He's a good guy," Kevin said. Lily stopped outside her room.

"Are you trying to matchmake Mr Magnussen?" He laughed.

"Just saying you could do worse."

"I did do worse," she replied, thinking about Liam. "I'll see
you in the morning." She scanned her keycard and opened her bedroom door. Once the door had shut behind her, she took her phone out of her pocket. She tapped out a text to Seb.

Lily: Kev said you were looking for me x

She flopped down onto the bed, picked up the remote control and turned the television on, finding a music channel.

Sebastian: I was! Are you hiding from me? X

Lily: Not at all, I just didn't see you around today. What you up to? X

Sebastian: sat in a meeting, listening to Mattia drone on. You? X

Lily: just got out of a meeting listening to Guenther drone on. Now chilling x

Sebastian: lucky you x

Lily picked up the book that was laid on her bedside table and began to read. Minutes later her phone beeped again.

She picked it up and opened the message without checking who it was from. She just assumed it was Seb again as she'd not replied to his last message. She was wrong.

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