76. Time To Put Things Straight

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Lily laid back on the sunlounger, slipping her RayBans  on to shield her eyes from the intense sunlight.  

She had already been for a swim in the pool and was seriously considering another to help her cool down.    It was 33 degrees, and it wasn't even officially summer yet.

She sat up and reached out for her glass of iced water.  Taking a long sip, she sighed out loud.

After a flying visit home to pick up some clean clothes, Joel had already left for Monte Carlo. She wouldn't be leaving until the following morning, so she had the day to herself. She'd spent the morning doing some ironing, then packing her stuff for Monaco, then she'd changed into her skimpy black bikini and had a swim. Now, after a small lunch she was relaxing, she needed as much energy as she could get for the drive she had ahead of her the following day.

She closed her eyes, the heat making her feel sleepy. She began to think of Seb again, wondering what he was up to. She should text him really to arrange meeting up sometime the following week. They really couldn't put their talk off for much longer. This really wasn't working out they way they'd planned. They barely got to see each other, and everything felt so awkward between them. It was all because of the past. Seb really needed to know the truth. She needed him to know the truth.

She swatted a fly away that had landed on her left arm, then stood up, unable to settle. She was just too damn hot.   She took her RayBans off and put them down on the end of her sunlounger. 

She was just about to dive back into the swimming pool when she heard the gate buzzer in the distance.   

Who on earth could that be?   She marched inside the house, through the kitchen and into the hallway.   She reminded herself that she still had to ask the landlord about getting CCTV installed. 

"Hello?" she said into the intercom.   A voice replied and she gasped in surprise. 

"Hey schatz, guess who!"

"Seb!"   What was he doing here?  She pressed the button to open the gates and then opened the front door to wait for him.

She watched as his DBX neared the house, stopping behind the Alfa Romeo Stelvio she'd hired to make the journey to Monaco, not wanting to take her Ferrari.

He climbed out and her first thoughts were about how sexy he looked. He really did have the most delicious thighs. Her second thought was that he really needed a haircut. Her third was to wonder again what he was doing there.

He made his way to the front door, his eyes moving all over her body. From the expression on his face he definitely approved of her choice of bikini.

"Seb, this is a surprise." He grinned at her.

"I found myself at a loose end. I thought maybe we could talk."

"Just talk?" she jested, thinking that it was never just talking when they were alone.

Seb didn't reply. He stepped into the house, dropping a quick kiss onto her mouth.

Shutting the door behind him, she followed him through to the kitchen.

"I was about to have a swim," she said. "Fancy joining me?"

Seb opened the fridge and grabbed a can of Sprite. He opened it and chugged down half the can in one go.

"I didn't bring any trunks," he said.

Lily laughed. "That doesn't matter. Wear your undies, or wear nothing. It's only you and me here."

"No Joel?"

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