67. Winter Warmth

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Lily didn't want to open her eyes.  She was so warm and sleepy and comfortable.  She'd be perfectly content to stay where she was forever. The warm fleece blanket covering her, the comfortable sofa, the crackling sound of the logs burning in the open fireplace but most importantly, the pair of strong arms around her and the warm body she was snuggled up to...everything was just perfect.

"I wish we could stay like this forever," she said, voicing her thoughts out loud, before giving a long yawn.

Seb chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "Me too schatz, me too," he murmured.

The last week had been heaven, and Seb wasn't ready for it to end.  Luckily they had another week left before Lily would have to go home to resume training.  He wished she could stay longer, but he knew that soon they'd be able to see more of each other.   Lily just had to find a place in Italy, and she already had a couple of viewings lined up towards the end of January. 

"We should go to bed," he said quietly.

"No," Lily replied.  "I'm not moving." 

Reluctantly, Seb pulled away from her and stood up.  "I'm going to check we're locked up," he told her.  "Do you want a hot chocolate making?"

"Yes please."

He padded into the hallway, glad of his thick fluffy socks, he knew the wooden flooring would feel freezing to touch.  

Once satisfied the front door was locked and the alarm set, he went into the kitchen and switched the kettle on.

He sat down on a stool at the breakfast bar and began to think about the last week.

Lily had arrived a week ago, the day after New Year.  He'd picked her up from Zurich airport, staying in the car outside so he wasn't spotted. 

It had been snowing, and by the time Lily had located his car she'd looked like a yeti.    He'd teased her as he'd helped her put her case into the boot of his metallic grey Aston Martin DBX.  Once they'd got inside he'd kissed her quickly and then asked her how her Christmas and New Year had been. 

She'd replied that Christmas had been the same as any other year, but New Year had been fun.  She'd been to a party with Joel and  Amelia at Amelia's parents place. 

He'd felt sad that Lily seemed so disillusioned about Christmas, but he guessed it was the time of year where it really hit home to her that she didn't have a mum or a dad to celebrate with.   He was lucky he did.

When they'd arrived at his house they'd barely got through the door when they'd fallen into each others arms, kissing and pulling at each others clothes.  

Seb had taken her on the hallway floor, and boy had his knees known about it the following day. They'd been bruised from the hard wooden flooring but he wouldn't have changed a thing.   Every time with Lily was worth it, wherever it was, and whatever injury he picked up. 

Since then he'd taken her in just about every room, apart from the spare bedrooms. Only one room remained, the bathroom, and he was determined to have her there before she went home.

Once he'd made the hot chocolates he carried them through into the lounge and placed them on the slate coasters on the glass and chrome coffee table, before sinking back onto the sofa with Lily. He began to nuzzle the side of her neck.

Lily sighed with contentment. What more could she want out of life? A world championship, that's what, she thought.

What she had with Seb was fantastic, but it was never going to go anywhere. She couldn't let it go anywhere, even if Seb wanted it to, which she was fairly certain he didn't. It was just sex for the both of them.

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