70. Desert Double Header

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Lily laughed as the champagne substitute hit her in the face. What a start to the season it had been for Ferrari. They'd locked out the front row of the grid, Charles on pole and Lily in P2. They'd run in first and second for the whole race, and now here they were, on the podium, along with Riccardo who had collected the constructors trophy. It really had been a perfect day, with both the Red Bulls failing to finish.

After the celebrations had finished  the three podium sitters, and Riccardo, all stood on the top step for photographs.  Lily almost felt nauseous as Riccardo slung his arm around her shoulder.  He was all smiles seeing as though Charles had won.  She knew he wouldn't have been so cheerful if she'd have won.   In fact she was pretty certain that he wouldn't have collected the trophy if she had.  

She glanced across Charles to the driver that had finished in third place.   She'd much rather have his arm around her, or his dick inside her, she thought to herself.  

Seb looked back at her and smiled cheekily.  God, that smile did funny things to her. 

It was taking all of her will power to stop herself from throwing her arms around him and suggesting they had their own celebration back at the hotel.

Photos taken, Lily jumped down and picked up her trophy.  She headed off to the post race press conference, leaving Seb and Charles behind.

When she arrived in the conference room she took her seat.  Once Seb and Charles had arrived the questions began.  Were Ferrari back? Was this the year the title was going to Maranello?

It soon became apparent that the journalists were expecting Charles to be the one that would be fighting for the championship.  Not one of them asked Lily what she thought she could do.  Sexist pigs.  They forgot how she'd totally crushed Charles in the championship the year before.  Still, if they thought she couldn't do it then she'd have great fun proving them wrong.   

Were Ferrari back though?  Or had they only looked good because the Bulls had had problems?   Lily guessed they'd just all have to wait and see.  


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"Steady on Lily, you'll do yourself an injury," Luca said to her as she pounded away on the treadmill.   Lily ignored him and carried on.   She needed to push herself to the limit.   It was the only way she could rid herself of the frustration that was threatening to consume her.  

It had been just over two weeks since she and Seb had last had sex and she was craving him like an addict craved their next fix.  

She'd come so close on more that one occasion to calling him and telling him to come round, but she hadn't.  They had to stick to the plan.   

There wasn't much longer to wait.   Today was media day.  She just had to get through the weekend, then on Monday she'd be flying straight to Italy to her new house.  

The Limit (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now