Vol 12/Ch 116 - The Year Comes to a Close

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Only a few days remain until the academy year is over. With the third year students already having graduated and moved on, it left the academy halls much quieter than normal. Classes were just about over for the rest of the students, and final exams were already out of the way.
However, once the year finally comes to a close, what will Allen do? Go back home until year two begins?

That wouldn't be a bad idea, Allen pondered the thought. To see my adoptive parents and siblings again, just imagine the looks on their face when they find out I won the tournament!

With nothing else required to teach in her class, Ms. Florence has gone back to the old "self study" sessions she holds, letting her sit at her desk and read while the other students choose what to do.

Thomas personally has chosen to continue with his focus on training, whether that be during the training club sessions, or on his own time. On the contrary, Cecily has chosen to continue her studies, so she is prepared for the first days of her second year.

This leaves Allen to choose his own way for how he spends his remaining time. Allen does a mix of both, training with his friends, as well as trying to keep up with studies as it could be good for him. Regardless, Allen gets this strange feeling, like something is missing. Just what else can Allen do before his academy year ends?

Allen still feels shaken up from what happened during the afterparty. A sudden appearance from a member of the Triumvirate swooping in, easily taking his sword almost unnoticed, and only simply getting a glace on it. Was that all he wanted? Or was there more to it?

Best not to worry about that right now, Allen decided. Let's focus on enjoying the rest of my first year, and prepare for my second!

After today's class, Stephen had mentioned to Allen he had something rather important to discuss with him. Allen informed him that he actually needed to speak with William regarding an important matter, and promised to meet up with him afterwards. Stephen understood, and decided he would wait for him, and told him where to meet him afterwards.

Allen made his way towards William's office, in hopes to discuss matters regarding his last round of the tournament against Simon Windblade, as well as his unusual encounter with the Triumvirate member during the afterparty.

Once he reached William's office, he was about to knock on the door to announce his arrival, just before he heard something from inside.

"You may enter"

"Pardon the intrusion," Allen said as he entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"Please, take your seat," William encouraged him, as he motioned towards an empty seat in front of his desk.

Taking his seat, Allen noticed how empty William's office was for once. Barely any papers were stacked upon his desk, meaning he had finally managed to do his end of the year paperwork, surprisingly enough. Most of the chairs that normally were in front of his desk were stacked to the side, indicating any major meetings were done for the year. No one else was within his room, just William and Allen alone.

"I take it you're doing well?," William asked, starting the conversation, taking a sip of his tea he had sitting at his desk. "Want some tea?"

"I'll pass," Allen shook his head. "And I suppose I'm doing okay. The year is almost over, and there's not much left to do"

"It's the same for me too," William agreed. "As you can see, I don't have much left to do!"

"I noticed, and I am almost left speechless," Allen chuckled. "Normally, you're behind"

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