Vol 4/Ch 39 - Elemental Volleyball

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Elemental Volleyball. It was the game that William suggested that they played. It didn't seem like anyone but William and Ms. Clark knew how to play, so it would be new for all the members of the Training Club and Charles.

William began to explain the rules for them. Essentially it would be two teams of three, one on each side of a net.

"However, since there are seven of you, we can switch you out for each game. Unless of course, one of you wants to sit out a round. We can make it work," William added.

The goal of the game is to hit the ball, the one William brought out, on the other side. If you manage to hit the ball to the floor, or the enemy team ends up missing the ball, then your team scores a point. You also do not want to hit the ball into the net.

The only issue is, when the ball is on your side, each person may only hit the ball once.

"Since you can only hit the ball once, you will want to make your hits count! Work with your team to 'set' the ball up, and you can have someone in the end make a good hit on the other side!," William elaborated, tossing the ball up and down with his hand.

"Okay, but where does the 'elemental' part of the game name come into play?," Rose asked, curious.

"Ah, I am glad you asked!," William finally caught the ball and let it rest once again. "The thing is, you are allowed to use your magic in this game. However, you can only target the ball! You are not allowed to target anything but the ball! That includes players!"

"Wouldn't air mages like Al and Steph have an advantage then?," Cecily asked, wondering how she could use her own magic to help her and her team out.

"Ah, that would make sense why you and others may think that," William said, also thinking to himself. "You see, in the end, your element type truly does not matter. It really falls down to is how you use your magic, and how you use your mana effectively"

"Use your mana effectively? Like what Allen does?," Thomas asked.

"Yes, very much so. This will also be something we go over in our training later when we reach sunset!," William smiled.

"Alright, and how do we win?," Allen asked.

"For simplicity's sake, we will go until a team reaches a score of three points. This means, if the other team fails to hit the ball and lands on their side of the net three times, your team wins!"

"I'm assuming it's only three points so that way we can end games quicker, since there are a total of seven of us?," Stephen asked.

"Correct! Although you may find a game can last longer than you think, if no one manages to drop the ball on their side!," William added. "Well, are all of you ready? Who will be participating in round one?"

"I think I will sit this out," Charles shrugged as he walked off on his own.

"You can participate if you want Charles," William reminded him. "We won't exclude you"
"Maybe later," he waved him off as he kept walking.

"Alright, then. Out of the six of you, how will we do the teams?," William asked.

"I can only be on the same team as Allen!," Sarah exclaimed, grabbing Allen by the arm again.


"Looks like I will have to be on the same team as Allen as well," Rose stated, glaring at Sarah.

"Is that so?," Sarah did a little laugh, a competitive look in her eyes.

"Well, it looks like the other team will be Stephen, Thomas and Cecily. Is this good?,"

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