Vol 8/Ch 74 - Back to F Rank

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As Allen walked into the classroom, he saw the all too familiar face he had seen for almost the entire academy year. But when she looked back at him, she had only a somewhat irritated look on her face.

"H-Hi Ms. Florence," Allen scratched the back of his head as he let out a small awkward laugh as he walked into her classroom.

She only offered him a sigh as she quickly turned back to her desk, in which she continued to read the same book she had been reading the entire year.

Just how many times is she going to read that book anyways?, Allen shook his head as he took the seat he had sat in for most of the academy year.

"Guess I'm back here," Allen mumbled to himself as he took his seat, and wiped off the dust that was on his desk. "Haven't forgotten about this dust yet"

With Ellen Marion, Rose's mother, now appointed as the new Head Director of the academy by the Triumvirate, Allen was forced back to an F ranking, with the classic "1F" silver pin now once again dawning his uniform instead of the "1D" pin he had recently earned.

Luckily, because of the conditions placed on him by William Windblade, their previous head director, Ellen was not able to expel him outright from the academy. Whether she will be able to later, is up in the air for now.

Of course, the conditions that he received was starting at F rank, has to make it to C rank, and must win four consecutive duels in the upcoming magical knights tournament. The first condition was instantaneous, and he even managed to make it to D rank. However, with Ellen now here as their head director, he was sent straight back to F rank where he started.

Allen will once again have to climb back to D rank, and then eventually C rank if he ever wishes to make it to his second year at the academy he's come to love so much. But with Ellen now in charge, he realized it will now be a much tougher time to get back to D rank, as he is sure Ellen will do everything she can to keep him where he is, or even worse, later try to expel him if the opportunity arises.

It did not help that Ellen turned out to be the 'client' Reynold Windblade, the "Demon of Finance" had warned him about. She was the one who had sent a request to Reynold to do everything in his power to get him expelled from the academy. Luckily Reynold chose to remain neutral, but now that Ellen was the head director, that did not tip in his favor.

"Wow, this class is so empty now," Allen mumbled to himself, as he looked throughout the room. "Guess I must be the only F ranked student now..."

Now that Allen thought about it, it made sense he was the only student left in the class now. Allen, Thomas and Cecily had advanced to D rank together. In addition, the other second year, water mage had turned out to be Nicholas, who was a covert magical knight that revealed himself during the fire mage attack on the academy.

That had left only the first year, earth mage, that Allen had found strange for the entire year. However, that she was nowhere in sight, must mean she could have already advanced to D rank, or perhaps left the academy on her own accord.

Regardless of the reason, Allen was now the only F rank attending the academy, as far as he is aware. Adding on top of all of the things that went down with Ellen, he instantly had mixed feelings about the situation.
There probably wasn't much to do now, now that he is the only student in here. Ms. Florence didn't really seem to care that they were in her class originally. If anything, they were an annoyance to her. Now that Allen was the only one here, he couldn't really tell if he was still an annoyance to her, or she would just choose not to care.

Regardless, with nothing else to do, there was only one thing left that Allen could do to alleviate the anger and frustration he is feeling from everything going on.

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