Vol 4/Ch 37 - The Mage in Glasses

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The Mage in Glasses. This was a nickname that was supposedly given to William at some point.

Allen wasn't completely sure why he was given this nickname, but part of it was obvious as William always wore silver circular shaped glasses. William never took them off, as far as Allen was aware.

Anytime Allen ever asked about them, William brushed him off and told him not to worry about it. Even when his friends had asked about it, William also gave them vague answers.

However, despite William's friendly appearance, he could also look very intimidating. Allen also knew facing William in a duel was no easy task, yet here the five of them were, planning to face William in a 5v1 duel.

"Allow me to show you all why a majority of England considers me the Mage in Glasses," William had said, with a look of pride on his face.

Now, it was up to Allen and his friends to win this duel so they could go on a club trip. They just needed to land one hit on William. Which seemed somewhat easy, however if they got hit once they would be out too.

"Uh, okay so this may be way harder than I thought," Thomas admitted, wondering what they were going to do.

"You just now thought about that?," Cecily sighed.

"How about this," William suddenly spoke. "I will give you all 1 minute to figure out a battle plan. Your time starts now!"

"Wait what?," Thomas said, completely surprised. "You mean right now?"

"Your time is ticking," William reminded them.

Everyone finally realized the situation and they all formed a small circle to discuss what they wanted to do. They decided to have Allen, Thomas and Rose on the frontline, considering two of them use swords and one of them uses their fists. They will have Stephen and Cecily in the back casting magic from behind as support. With a little bit more planning, they finally finished and reconvened to where they were before.

"All done?," William asked. "I would hope so, as your time is up now"

"Yeah, we're all ready," Allen agreed, unsheathing his sword once more.

"Good. I hope you five kids will make this interesting," William responded, adjusting his glasses with a small smirk on his face.

"William, if I do anything today, I will make you take off those glasses of yours!," Rose announced.

"You will? Alright then," William simply laughed her off.

"Alright, allow me to restate the rules for this duel," Ms. Clark announced from the side of the arena. "Allen and his team wins if they land just one singular hit on William. If anyone on Allen's team gets hit even once, they are out. William wins if everyone on Allen's team is out. Does everyone agree to these terms?"

"I do," William quickly responded, readjusting himself.

"We agree," Allen answered for his team.

"Alright, let the duel begin!," Ms. Clark announced, stepping back so she could properly observe the duel.

"Alright you five, show me what you can do!," William said with a smirk on his face and his hand outstretched.

Everyone on Allen's team looked at each other, and nodded. They knew what to do.

Thomas, with his magic already ready, rushed in towards William. William had a surprised look on his face, but he could tell what he was doing.

"Take this!," Thomas yelled, jumping towards William to land a hit on him.

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