Vol 6/Ch 51 - F Ranks vs D Ranks

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"So, you really think that's a good idea?," Thomas asked, concerned their plan would actually work out.

"With the little amount of time we have to plan, I would say my idea is better than nothing," Allen responded. "Cecily, what do you think?"
"I think it's solid, all things considered. What it really falls down to is what they plan to do as well," she gave her thoughts.

"True. If what they decide fully goes against our plans, then we would have to improvise from there," Allen agreed.

"That's what I am saying. Your plan is based on the fact that they will react how we expect them to," Thomas pointed out.

"If you have any other ideas, I'm more than happy to hear them. I just don't know of something else that could be better, with the time we have left," Allen said.

"I don't really have anything," Thomas admitted.

"So, do we go with this strategy then?," Allen asked.

After a moment of silence, both Thomas and Cecily gave a nod in response.

"You three, be quiet back there!," Ms. Florence raised her voice from across the room.

"Sorry, Ms. Florence," Allen apologized.

"I don't understand why she's complaining about us talking when she refuses to teach us anything anymore," Thomas shook his head in annoyance. Cecily nodded in agreement.

The day after the incident with the D ranks Adam, Sybil and Oliver, the three of them began to come up with a strategy in order to defeat them in their duel today.

The three of them still did not understand why the D ranks decided to randomly pick a fight with them, but they figured they would find out after the duel was over, hopefully in their victory.

During the little time they had to prepare, Allen has been unable to speak with William. Any attempts to find him, including at his office, have been futile. Even his attempts to find Rose or any other student council member have failed. Just what could they be up to, and did this duel have something to do with it?

At this point, Allen figured it has to be a coincidence, considering it's only been a day that he hasn't been able to speak to William. After all, he is the Head Director, and has his own duties to attend to. But even so, something about this whole situation kept him thinking about it.

After spending the rest of their class time attempting to actually study (they needed to, if they wanted to be promoted to D rank), it was finally time for them to head towards the training grounds for their duel against the D ranks Adam, Sybil and Oliver.

Once the three of them finally reached the duel grounds, they noticed quite a number of students in the stands, ready to watch the duel happen.

"Wait, I thought this would be considered an unofficial duel?," Thomas asked, confused.

"It is, but that doesn't mean students can't come by and watch. Unofficial or not, a teacher still has to oversee the duel to make sure no one gets terribly hurt, and students can still watch it," Cecily explained.

"Yeah but, no one watches when we train for our training club...," Thomas continued.

"True, but that was club activities with students we know," Allen added. "This time, it's a duel against three students whom we just met, so we need to make sure everyone plays fair"

"Ah, fair enough," Thomas nodded, but it still looked like he was still confused about it.

They walked towards the center of the training grounds, where their duel will be taking place. Their three opponents were already there, looking impatient. A teacher, which Allen slightly recognized, noticed the three of them and put up his index finger, as if to say he would be with them in a minute.

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