Vol 5/Ch 47 - Reynold Windblade

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When August mentioned he had a fiance, Allen wasn't expecting someone like Millicent. Or, maybe he was? Either way, the idea that August already had someone he was going to marry, and that person was right in front of him didn't quite fully register in his mind.

"Something wrong?," she looked at him curiously.

"Oh, nothing. I just wasn't expecting to meet August's fiance so soon," Allen awkwardly said.

"What makes you say that?," she eyed him curiously, as she picked up a drinking glass from one of the passing servants.

"I'm- I'm not quite sure exactly. I don't know, I just wasn't expecting to meet you so soon, I suppose," Allen explained.

"I see...," she said, before taking a sip of her drink.

Allen's eyes darted around the room again, looking for August. Just where was he, and how long was he going to take? He also noticed Rose, who was still chatting amongst some of the guests.

"So, you attend the same academy as August, from my understanding. What's it like there?," she asked.

"The Magical Knights Academy? It's not bad, actually...," Allen started to say, while thinking to himself. "I have class five days a week, which isn't too bad, since I have a few friends there. We also do some training almost every day after class, with our club that we put together"

"Oh, a club? What's that?," she asked. "Some sort of group event?"

"You could call it that. It's basically a group of students who are all interested in a specific activity. In our case, it would be all of us training together," Allen explained.

"Ah, very interesting. And this club of yours, you all do it every day?"

"Not every day. Just the days after class, but even then we can't always get everyone together," Allen elaborated.

"Well, that must be a lot of fun. I'm glad you enjoy it. By the way, just how did you meet August?," she asked, taking another sip. Wait, when did she already drink half of her glass?

"Ah, about that...," Allen began to say.

He then began to explain how he had met August through Stephen, but left out the part that he had met him in William's office. He thought it would be best to leave out the fact that he is well acquainted with the head director.

"Very interesting. And he just challenged you to a duel, just like that?," her eyes were gleaming with interest.

"Yeah, he did," Allen responded, recollecting his duel with August. "And I was defeated by him"

"Let me guess; he challenged you to a duel without magic, correct?," she asked, but the look on her face said she already knew the answer.

"Yeah, he did," Allen responded with a blank look on his face.

"Of course he would," she giggled again. "He's just like that"

Allen noticed her glass was already empty. At this point, he wasn't going to keep dwelling on it.

Allen went on to explain both duels that he had with August, the first one without magic, and the second one with magic.

"Ah, interesting. So you ended up defeating him once magic was allowed?," she asked.

"Yeah, but he is definitely stronger than I am when it comes to using a sword. If he gets better with his magic, he's sure to do really well as a mage," Allen explained.

"Hmm, I'm not very sure about that," she said, while thinking. "As much as he would love to continue his magic path, there's only so far he can go..."

"What makes you say that?," Allen asked, but he figured he probably already knew the answer. He would one day have to take his father's place and become the next king.

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