Vol 11/Ch 102 - The Semi-Finals Announced

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With August leaving only a few days ago, the announcement for the Semi-Finals match-ups has finally arrived.

All of the students made their way to the auditorium, getting to sit wherever they'd like, and held conversations as they awaited for the announcement to begin.

While normally students must sit in designated areas concerning their year and rank, this time was a little different since the announcement wouldn't take too long to complete. This meant Allen and his friends could all sit together for once, but they still chose to sit near the back of the auditorium, where Allen normally is anyways. Everyone was present, minus August, who had already left and Rose, whom they expected would be involved with the announcement.

Allen felt both excited and nervous to soon hear the results for the semi-final matchups, but his mood began to change as he quickly began to notice all of the glares from nearby students, mostly male students.

"Why do I feel like everyone is glaring at us?," Thomas asked, noticing the sudden tense presence.

"That's probably because of Allen," Stephen remarked, as he relaxed into his seat.

"It's definitely me," Allen admitted, as he sank in his chair.

"Huh? What did you do Al?," Thomas asked, completely clueless.

"Heh, should you explain that one, Al?," Stephen asked with a smirk, getting a kick out of this.

"I don't really want to...," Allen responded with a grunt.

Allen's recent victories in the tournament were finally making him stand out in a positive light, with students beginning to believe he wasn't as weak as they thought he was. However, all of that began to crumble once Rose had proclaimed her love for Allen in front of everyone, shortly after Allen's victory over Rose.

"-and ever since then, a lot of the male students have been out for me, especially those who completely idolize Rose," Allen finished explaining, as he lay exhausted in his seat.

"Oh, I see now!," Thomas pounded his fist into his palm. "So that's why you keep getting glares all the time! I thought it was me or something!"

"Tom you idiot," Cecily remarked, as her eyes remained glued to her book.

"What?," Thomas asked, confused. "Why am I always the idiot?!"

"Because you are, dummy," Cecily answered, her face growing flushed.

"Oh well," Thomas shrugged his shoulders, not noticing Cecily's expression.

"I'm definitely getting a kick out of all of this," Stephen commented, as he stared at Allen, his smirk remaining.

"Oh I bet you are," Allen rolled his eyes.

"Now you know how I feel when all the boys get jealous of the ladies fawning over me," he chuckled, wrapping his arm around Allen. "Now we're brothers in the pursuit of love, with many enemies around us! I'll always stand with you Allen!"

"Yeah, okay," Allen sarcastically answered, half paying attention, as Stephen shook him in place.

"It's starting," Alice announced, putting all of their attention now on her.

"Holy crap, I almost forgot you were here!," Stephen admitted, as he let go of Allen.

"What a friend you are," Allen shook his head.


"I can take my glasses off," Alice suggested.

"No do not!," Allen immediately raised his voice, as the thought of Sarah being available sent shivers down his spine.

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