Vol 8/Ch 71 - The Now Former Head Director

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Everyone looked around with the sudden news they were just given: William is being removed as head director of the academy?!

Allen could not believe the news. William had done nothing wrong, and yet here was this Triumvirate member, named Edmund, who announced William's removal out of nowhere. Allen was beyond furious.

"Just what is going on?," Allen asked, raising his voice, and standing up from his seat.

"I'm with Allen on this one too," Stephen stood up, also joining Allen.

William put his hand up to stop them, to which they reluctantly listened to him.

"Do you mind clarifying for me, Edmund?," William asked, tilting his head. "Those are rather large claims you have against me. I suppose it would be only fair to elaborate, now wouldn't it?"

Edmund gave a deep sigh, as if he wasn't wanting to elaborate for him, and just expected William to come with him.

"Very well," he did a slight nod. "For failing to be at the academy at the time of the fire mage attack, most of the voting members of the Triumvirate have voted in favor of temporarily removing you of your position as head director of this academy"

Both Allen and Stephen were just about to try to step in again, but once again William put his hand up to stop them. Allen and Stephen gritted their teeth, but they had to listen.

"And, anything else?," William asked, his eyes seeming to be fully concentrated on Edmund, almost trying to read his thoughts. "I'm sure that's not all, is it?"

"In addition, due to the circumstances surrounding your past, and currently in the present surrounding this fire mage assault on the academy, the Triumvirate members suspect your potential involvement with the fire mage attack. Therefore, you will also be arrested under these claims. You will be receiving an audience with the Triumvirate, with your trial being held"

William sat in silence for a moment, eyes closed. He seemed to be thinking about and processing the situation he was suddenly put into.

"Very well," William finally answered, getting up from his seat. "I, of course, will go along with you. You will have my full cooperation"

"Good, otherwise we would have had to try other measures," Edmund cleared his throat, as he gestured to the magical knights all throughout the room.


"Martha, I need you to take care of the academy and its students during my absence. If all goes well, I should be returning shortly. Am I clear on that?"

"But William-"
"Am I clear, Martha?," his eyes seemed to be almost staring into her.

"Very well. Please stay safe, William," she nodded, with a slight sigh.

William seemed to pause for a moment, almost taking in what Martha had just said. He finally then turned, and began to quickly gather his things, while Edmund and the other magical knights seemed to be waiting impatiently.

Allen could still not believe what he had heard. William being removed, under such stupid claims. Not to mention, his temporary leave had nothing to do with the fire mage attack.

In addition, how could they think he could even be involved with the fire mage attack? Why would William be involved in attacking the very own academy he has been working so hard to change for the better? Allen thought it was absolutely absurd.

"Father, you cannot be serious!," Stephen was the first to speak up. "You cannot just let these... let the Triumvirate do this to you!"

"I am definitely with Stephen on this," Allen added, his hand on his sword's handle. "You can't just let them do this to you!"

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