Vol 4/Ch 33 - Club Training

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Once the weekend had finally passed, the day had finally arrived for the club members' first day of training. They all agreed the first day of the week would be the best day to get everyone together, including Rose.

Allen spent the weekend studying with Thomas and Cecily together. They also spent one of the days out walking around London, browsing at all the shops like they have before. Walking around the city helped calm Allen's mind, as he was normally stuck to the academy's dorm rooms for the whole week.

While walking around the city, they had coincidentally (or maybe not), bumped into Charles. Of course, Charles had to go off for as long as he could about how he was still "Allen's rival" and how he will beat Allen one day. Any sort of challenges Charles makes to Allen, Allen quickly denies.

With their class ended for the day, it was time for the three of them to make their way to the training grounds to meet up with the others.

"Ready to go?," Allen asked, his stuff already packed up.

"I've been ready," Thomas exclaimed, throwing his stuff together and quickly getting out of the seat.

"Another day, nothing accomplished with you Thomas," Cecily sighed as she carefully put her stuff together and got up from her seat.

"You know we aren't going to make that much progress with him," Allen shrugged.

"We can at least try," Cecily said, looking like she was half dead.

"Well c'mon, let's get a move on!," Thomas happily exclaimed as he almost bounced out of the classroom.

The two of them followed behind Thomas, catching up to him not long after. They walked together to the training grounds, where they found Stephen waiting outside.

"Took you three long enough," Stephen grinned as the three of them walked up.

"Why didn't you just go in without us?," Thomas asked.

"Because I obviously don't have the key," Stephen said with his hands up, showing them he didn't have anything in them.

"I have the key," Allen explained as he went up to unlock the door.

"Wait what-," Thomas exclaimed, really confused. "Oh, right. Of course you would have the key, you are the club president"

"William gave me the key to the room before I left since I am now the club president," Allen continued to explain as he finally unlocked the door. "I hate this door, it's not easy to open"
"Least you got it open," Stephen shrugged as the four of them walked in together.

"So, where's everyone else?," Allen asked as they got situated into the room.

"Rose is with the student council, she shouldn't be too long. As for the mysterious girl, I have no clue," Stephen explained.

"Pollen," Alice's voice came from the entrance.

"Ah, speak of the devil," Stephen motioned over to Alice, who had been just walking in.

"Welcome in, Alice," Allen waved at her as she walked over to them.

"Hello," she casually responded.

"Hey Alice," Thomas greeted her with a grin.

"Hi," Cecily gave her a kind smile.

"When do we start training?," Alice asked with the regular blank face she has.

"When Rose finally gets here," Allen responded.

"Well while we are waiting on her, I'm going to start with my warm up stretches!," Thomas said as he got into position within the room.

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