Vol 1/Ch 5 - The F Ranked Class

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The three of them headed inside, finally seeing what was awaiting them.

Like the outside of the classroom, the room was very dusty and dirty, last cleaned who knows how long ago. There were only a few desks that filled the room: a teacher's desk in the front left corner which was just straight ahead of the entrance, eight student desks, a board and a small podium for the teacher in front of the board. In addition, the room was a bit smaller, as if it was meant to be some sort of a large closet, but was converted into the F ranked room to make space.

The two other students that would be in their class were already here, doing their own thing. The 2nd year water mage seemed to be looking outside the window, as if he had no idea the three of them even entered the room. The 2nd year earth student, who Allen noticed was still wearing the hood covering their face, seemed to be staring them down as they entered the room. Allen decided to ignore this, cause maybe they were just shy?

Their teacher, who was apparently named Ms. Florence, remained seated at her desk, making no actions to greet the three of them in. She was reading a book, and seemed to be rather enthralled into it. Maybe she didn't hear them come in?

"You're Ms. Florence, right?," Thomas asked, trying to get her attention. "We're the other F ranked students who will be in your class"
If the teacher had heard him, she certainly ignored him, and really well too. She made no movements, other than the slight turn of the next page.

"Uh, did she hear me?," Thomas asked, looking back at Allen and Cecily for help.

"For now, why don't we take our seats?," Cecily suggested. "I'm sure she's just waiting for class to start"

"Alright, let's take our seats then," Thomas agreed.

The other two students had taken 2 of three seats towards the back, which left three open seats towards the front, and one in the back next to the female 2nd year.

Thomas decided to take the middle seat towards the front, while Cecily decided to take the desk to the right of him, near the window of the classroom. Allen decided to take the remaining seat next to Thomas, closest to the entrance into the room.

As Allen took his seat, he quickly noticed the desk was just as dirty as the rest of the classroom. Dust remained on the seat, as if it hadn't been used in years. In addition, the desk felt like it was going to fall apart at any given time. This made Allen feel a little uneasy, as if he was going to fall at any given time.

"Ah, what? Ew, so much dust!," Thomas coughed as he wiped off the dust that was on his desk. Allen was sure Thomas somehow had less dust on his desk than his with the amount Thomas started to wipe off.

"Now it's on your hands too!," Cecily pointed at the palms of his hands, where of course the dust could be found there too.

"What?," he exclaimed, as he examined his hands. "Is there anywhere in this classroom where it isn't dusty!"

Thomas proceeded to aggressively wipe his hands to get the dust off, while Allen and Cecily laughed. Allen started to feel like this was the beginning of his friendship between them two. He felt happy here already, despite all things considered.

The teacher finally put down her book, and headed to the front of the room, just behind the podium. Allen almost didn't notice her movement at first, as she was rather quiet.

Now that he got a better look at her, she looked rather attractive, even for a woman who looked to be in her late thirties. Although, the blank but intimidating look on her face probably made others distance themselves from her.

"Alright then, now that all of you are situated, I suppose we will begin," her quiet voice managed to fill the room. "My name is Danet Florence, but you should refer to me as Ms. Florence"

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