Vol 4/Ch 32 - Forming the Training Club

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A week had already passed since everyone had met in William's office and the idea of forming a club was brought to light. While Allen had decided forming a club would be a good idea to make training together easier, it is still possible that everyone may not agree.

Thomas had always been open to the idea, since the first day. He has always been one to be social, so when something social like a club is brought up, he is all for it.

Cecily, on the other hand, is a bit opposite to Thomas. She's more of the shy type, but once you get to know her she starts to open up. She may not completely agree to starting up a club, but she will probably be okay with it if everyone else wants to. While the shy type, she still likes to be around everyone she is close with, and if being in a club adds to that she is sure to agree to it.

The past week has been just like any other week for the three of them in class. The three of them would study together, making sure they were caught up on everything. If they wanted to pass the D ranked exam with flying colors, they needed to make sure they were 110% prepared.

Cecily was by far the furthest one ahead when it came to subjects about magic. The time she didn't spend outside with Thomas as children she spent in her room studying the books they had in her family home. She had an early start when it came to elemental magic knowledge. She was normally the one making sure Allen and Thomas were caught up.

Allen was next in the list when it came to elemental magic knowledge. Most of his knowledge came from William when he trained Allen for the five years. However, most of his knowledge fell under the practical kind instead of theoretical and historical knowledge. This led to him still needing to study regardless.

Thomas was by far at the bottom. He had a hard time concentrating when it came to studying information on paper. Even if he tried, he still found the information boring, which did not help. He was more interested in practical knowledge, however the first part of the D ranked exam had to do with historical and theoretical knowledge, which would be all answered on paper.

Before going to the next study topic, Cecily always wanted all of them to be on the same page. Since Thomas was a bit slow with studying, it would usually take them longer for a topic than it would had he been more interested in what they were doing.

"No, no, no, Thomas. You're getting it all wrong," Cecily sighed after she looked over Thomas' answers to a practice test she issued.

"What do you mean? I honestly thought they were great answers!," Thomas argued. "I even went into detail like you wanted"

"Yes the detail is great, but it doesn't mean anything if they are all wrong!," Cecily put her face in her hands in annoyance.

"Allen, I'm sure I got those right! Tell her I got those right!," Thomas pleaded.

"No Thomas, they were all wrong. You didn't get a single one correct. Even the easiest question about elemental circles was wrong," Allen sighed.

"Whatever," Thomas looked away in annoyance and started to whistle and spin his pen in his hand.

"We're getting nowhere with him, what do we do Allen?," Cecily let her face drop on her desk, tired.

"Honestly, I don't know. I'm starting to think we're going to have to pass the exam without him," Allen rubbed his forehead.

"I- what? I won't fail the exam! I'll score better than both of you! I'll even score a new record at this academy with the exam!," Thomas grinned, putting his pen back on his desk.

"Yeah, okay Thomas," Allen and Cecily said at the same time.

Thomas just shrugged in return and went back to working on his drawing he was doing instead of studying.

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