Harbinger Of The End: III

Start from the beginning

"For minutes, just peacefully trading words, it became apparent he felt remorse for the children he annihilated; "There exists no such thing as evil kids, just innocent kids influenced and shaped to the will of their immoral adult role models." That was the very thing he told me."

"Since that day, we chatted more often. About hunting, beautiful spots in nature, racing, things we suffered dealing with our dad or stepdad, and on occasions when we watched over the ship while the others rested he would teach me methods on how to counter traditional close-quarters fighters and more beast-like fighting styles as well should I find myself cornered. The time I dedicated to getting to know him was pleasant, but proved to be just as unkind... a day arrived in our adventure when he never returned to the ship. He left without nary an explanation as to why, and eventually, Kosmos herself left to seek out where he and Sephira had disappeared to."

"The personal reason I mentioned for wanting to take a suicide dive after the last of his memories, was this. I never got the opportunity to apologize for the unfair way I treated him, so I thought attempting this risk would be my way of conveying that. To make amends. There's that and... some part of me was hoping I'd get to see Sephira for a final time."

My secrets spilled to Jeanne, I felt the lift in my shoulders naturally return. My tail lay across my lap in quiet silence and I couldn't keep myself from touching the soft fur I easily forgot I had as the tension in it dispersed with the pent-up emotions I'd finally let free.

"These things you revealed to me, it's why you stayed away from him in the beginning in case he grew to hate you in secret the years you weren't in contact. And once it became known his memory was gone you were hoping to redo your friendship from the start. You've been forcing yourself to neglect the things you've wanted to say to him since he arrived, the dam you've built has come tumbling down... see."

Lending a finger to my cheek, the pressure it radiated with Jeanne's warmth was comforting as she slid the forefinger up just past my eye.

On display, was the tiniest life of a tear held by Ruler, her other hand making a quick break for my face as I felt others flowing down. "Let them fall, something tells me by the incredulity you're exhibiting on your face this is the first time you've realized the strong bond of friendship you had with these people. The things you experienced with them, the value of how much they considered your life to be important to them... it's alright for you to accept the reality that you were cherished. That not only the beasts you befriended in your myth can come to like you, Atalanta."

"...Funny, Kosmos said roughly the same words. At the time, I thought it was just fluff she was speaking. Hearing them again now though I can't help but ponder if Sephira and Silva felt the same of me as she did."

"You consider highly of their opinion, archer?"

"Maybe secretly, but I doubt that's it. I'm sure it was because the three of us were similar to one another in ways most of the others couldn't understand, the fact that we had a more beastly side lurking deep within that we kept hidden. That sole connection belonging to us is what makes me wonder if they held me in higher regard than the words Kosmos said to me that day. I feel it's also why I confidently say that if Sephira was here, this fight with Silva wouldn't be happening. He wouldn't have given in to the dark temptations of his mind if she was by his side."

"You speak of her a greater deal more than Nero did previously. Did you know her longer?"

"I think it would be more accurate to say Nero merely knows of Sephira through the various letters I saw Kosmos address to Rome throughout our travels and has never met her as I have. If she ever did, I'm sure she could immediately tell that Silva considered Sephira and another halfling his closest friends. Sephira alone though suffered through the same pain as Silva."

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