case 143

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"rosy" sweet pea said still i shock of what just happened. "congrats, ro, welcome to the serpents" fangs said as he hugged me and gave me an innocent peck on the cheek on both sides acting like an italian mobster. "i have no idea what that's about but, welcome to the club, rosebuddy" jughead said as he hugged me and mocked the way that fangs acted. sweet pea was still standing there as the other congratulated me.

"archie, i didn't know you'd be here, look in sorry you had to see that." i said. "he just hugged me without saying anything until he pulled away. "nah you're all good. this was a decision you made for yourself and as long as you're happy with it i'm gonna support it, congrats slugger" he said as he jokingly punched my chin softly almost as a tap. then he walked away with the others.

"so...what'd you think? how're you feeling?" i asked nervously. he smiled, he pulled me in close by my jacket. he kissed me. "i thought, wow, that's my girlfriend up there. i get to take her home. i feel happy that i get to share this part of my life with you now" he said as he hugged me.

"sweet pea," i said as i pulled away looking up at his beautiful brown eyes that i could lose myself in. "i-i think...i love you" i said smiling at him softly and nervously. this would be the first time i'm saying it which has been something very difficult for me to do being in a household without love being shown.

he looked at me shocked but happy. he rests his forehead on mine. "i love you, too" he replied. "granted i've known this since the day i met you all those years ago, i just wanted to wait until you felt the same way" he said as he held my face with both of his hands. i chuckled as tears fell down my face. "this is probably the first time anyones ever said 'i love you' to me and let alone meant it" i said.

"well you're never gonna doubt it anymore, you'll never stop hearing it from me, miss. rosalina" he said. i took his hand and we kissed one last time before going to our friends to celebrate this momentous occasion of me joining the serpents.

"so?" everyone asks. "what now?"
"we celebrate, beers all around." fangs said.
"oh and juggy, i kinda hit on your dad, i didn't mean it but i did" i laughed as i took a sip out of the beer he had in front of him.

"you hit on my dad?!?! rosy!" jughead asked furiously. "it was more of a joke, but he is hot for his age" i added. "he knew i was joking too so it's fine it was nothing serious, i have a wonderful boyfriend whom i love. i have no need to go after someone father" i replied. "just please refrain from hitting on my dad from now on, god i never thought i'd have to say that" jughead said irritated in an unserious manner.

YAYYYY!!! finally did the 'i love you ' and the serpent dance. rosy is officially a serpent with her serpent boyfriend. not rosy hitting on f.p lol. i hope you're enjoy this!! i actually kinda love this chapter and the one before. i wish you well<33


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