a girls night you say?

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we put the kids to bed because it was getting late and set the baby monitor on the bedside table and took the other with us downstairs to the living room. we laid together on the couch cuddling after a long day. he rested his hand on the top of my head massaging my scalp. as i laid my head on his chest hearing his heart beat.

"will you be okay with watching the kids tomorrow night for a while? toni asked to hangout like a girls night." i asked him as i was slowly falling asleep and my face smushed on his chest.

"i don't see why not? i would ask fangs and some other guys over for a guys night in while we all watch the kids" he replied stroking my hair gently.

"sounds like a plan" i said as i looked up at him and kissed him before laying back down. we fell asleep then woke up again around 3 am since dagwood was crying. we fell back to sleep about 30 minutes later and woke up at 6:30 to make sure we were sorted for mrs. fogarty to come over. i checked on the kids who were soundlessly sleeping peacefully in the cribs located in the upstairs guest room not too far from us.

"she'll be here anywhere from 7-8 and since normally my alarm goes off at 7 i think getting up at 6:30 would be better for us just in case we aren't....decent- we'd have time to get dressed." i said as i was rushing to clean up the room while sorting through clothing i had flung over a chair to plan my outfit as sweet pea was beginning to sit up. his hair messy and his body bare with the exception of boxers.

"baby, why don't you take a second?" he said groggily half asleep with his eyes trying to stay open and his arms extended for a hug. i stopped in my tracks and walked over exhaustingly into his arms. "it's gonna be okay, we'll be prepared, we'll go to school and leave the kids with mrs. fogarty. then you'll have your girls night and i'll have my guys night watching the kids. everything's gonna be great. we can do this" he said as he hugged me from behind. he reassured me that we were capable. he kissed my shoulder as i walked away.

"now i'll make a quick breakfast and you get ready" i said as i began to walk out of the room. downstairs to the kitchen. i grabbed frozen waffles and made scrambled eggs and served them on plates. then i heard - knock at the door. i looked through the peep hole to be sure it was her before i opened the door. "mrs. fogarty, good morning, i was just making a quick breakfast for sweet pea and i, would you like some?" i asked

"no sweetie i ate before coming here, but thank you for offering" she responded in a cheery voice.

"thank you for doing this, the kids are still sleeping, they'll likely be up soon, i have their schedule on the fridge and you can call me if anything happens" i replied as i was leading her to the kitchen where i began to eat my toasted waffles. sweet pea began to make his way down the stairs to the kitchen to eat his breakfast.

"ms. fogarty, it's great to see you again" he said as he kissed her cheek to greet her. he greeted her as if she was his own mother. with a tightly squeeze hug and her kiss on the cheek. he then moved to sit at the table and eat his breakfast.

"well are you as handsome as ever" ms. fogarty replied. she was implying how he looked nice in his school clothing. with the new rules of tattoos needing to be hidden, sweet pea invested in having turtlenecks available. which we most definitely looked good in. the way they just extenuated his physical features.

omg i'm so sorry for all my rambling this chapter. it got long but i mean at least it's detailed...maybe.
i hope you enjoyed this one if not leave a comment and i'll try better.
i hope you have a wonderful rest of you day, remember to take care of yourself and you're never alone:) ily


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