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"hey sweet pea?" i asked him. in which he responded delicately"hm?". i hadn't thoroughly thought this through. "are you thinking of staying the night?" i asked hesitant that it may not be a good thing i ask. "do you want me to?" he asked as he sat up.

i sat up to appear as though im thinking but in reality i didn't need to think at all, all i wanted was him and i wanted him here with me. "im not for one night stands, i want you to stay. i want to cook you breakfast in the morning i want to get to know you better.

i want to see if this is worth going all in on. we may have just met but we also just slept together. i want you to stay...unless you don't want to..?" i got nervous and went on a tangent. "hey,...hey. i want to. we'll just see where this takes us. then we can talk about going all in" he said as he reached out and put his hand on my cheek. he was reassuring me when i was overthinking it all. "here let's go shower and then we eat, yeah?" he suggested with a smile.

i grabbed some stuff for him to use while he was going to be spending the night. i went to the bathroom and turned on the water, he got in first while i sorted our things out, then i got in. we both got out and changed.

"how do i look?" he asked smilingly. he was wearing one of my sleeping shirts that i buy extra sizes up so it fit him perfectly and some plaid pj pants that are adjustable at the waist. we were essentially the same size but he's taller so the pants didn't fit him correctly. "you look handsomely" i giggly kissed him. "i'll race you to the food" he said. then he bolted even though i thought he was joking.

i ran right after him but he got to the food first. the food wasn't cold but it wasn't warm so i had to nuke it. "since i'm the winner, i choose the movie" he said proudly. "a movie?" i asked confused. "well i'm not used to the whole sex THEN first date, but i promised a date and i think a movie qualifies" he said matter-a-factly.

it made me happy how sincerely he was. as soon as the food was done i brought it to him and he had already set up the living room for us to lay on the floor and watch a movie. "what's the verdict on the movie?" i asked.

"you'll see. just wait. it's the best movie of all time i promise" he said excitingly. i knew all the movies we had and not many of them were the best but there is a handful that i would take if i was on a deserted island. i feel as though his taste in films would be the test as old as time.

my parents both introduced me into films which gave me my love of them. old, new, scary, or informative. i've seen many. it always reminds me of how my parents had their first date. it was at the twilight drive in theatre and my mom didn't know what movie he picked out for them to see, it turns out the movie was one of her favorites. "casablanca". that movie was one of her all time favorites but it wasn't something he had already known it was something he thought she might like because he liked it too. that's when my mother knew she loved my father.

 sweet pea x reader (riverdale)Where stories live. Discover now