playing house

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betty had left us with everything they would need and use, i wasn't sure if sweet pea would still stay with me. i put the babies down in their little beds and sat right next to sweet pea on the couch where he was just staring at them.

"i wouldn't hold it against you if you didn't want to stay here anymore, sweet pea" i said to him. he hadn't even been with me long enough to jump relationship steps. "oh i'm not leaving, i love kids. i may have not grown up with parents but i want to be one at some point." he said.

"look, while we're in school we can leave them with a serpent mother, like fangs mom. she's the best" he suggested. i was actually surprised at how he was quick to think of a solution.

"do you think i could meet with her first to discuss terms and all of that?" i asked him.

"yeah i could ask fangs and his mom over for dinner, so you could get to know her and she could get to know the kids" he suggested.

it was an amazing idea. "my hero" i said as i kissed him. so while i checked everything the twins had, he called fangs to invite him and his mom over to my house for dinner. betty had left me with the things i should know and their doctors number just in case.

there were plentiful diapers and baby formula. after he made the phone call he said he'd watch the kids while i made dinner for all of us. which he did. as the time got closer i became more and more nervous since i hadn't really known fangs much let alone his mom. i've heard wonderful things about them both from mutual connections, but i've never held a conversation with them. sweet pea began to look around the kitchen to set the table for me as i finished up.

"i'm gonna go freshen up a bit" i said as i rushed to the bathroom. "everything's gonna be fine don't worry" he said trying to comfort me it didn't help much but a little bit. then the door bell rang and my heart sank. i was so nervous. so i took a deep breath and sweet pea rubbed my back to calm me down which it worked.

"hi, come in come in" i said as i greeted our guests. sweet pea hugged fangs while i greeted fangs' mother. "it's wonderful to finally meet you ms.fogarty i've heard much about you." i said as i held my hand out. "oh put that away come here, so you're the one who finally got him to man up? you must be rosalina" she said as she hugged me. "you can call me rosy" i said smilingly. "nice to see you again fangs" i said as i hugged him lightly. "nice to see you too, rosy" he replied.

 sweet pea x reader (riverdale)Where stories live. Discover now