the night

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"you ready to go kiddo" i yelled from the edge of the banister as my voice travelled all the way from the bottom to the stairs all the way up to the room where sweet pea spent his time perfecting his messy hair in order to look good for his special occasion of reunion of the whyte wyrm. i sat down waiting patiently for him at the last step of the stairs.

"i'm older, you're the kiddo here" he said as he walked down the stairs. he looked amazing cleaned up wearing a white button up shirt with his freshly moussed wet hair. he had these denim jeans that were a dark hue and his southside serpent leather jacket that he loved so dearly.

"you look-wow..." i said breathlessly as he was checking his hair in the mirror by the front door. i felt like i was in a disney teen movie from the early 2000's when the girl walks down the long staircase in slow motion and looks beautiful. but instead of it being a girl it was a guy. my boyfriend was the girl in this scenario and he was in fact, breath taking.

"i clean up nice, huh?" he said as he knelt down to where i was sitting looking at him in awe. "well, this is all yours, baby" he whispered as he went in slowly for a soft but tender kiss.

"we better leave now or else we're just not gonna leave" i said with my eye closed still from the effects of kissing him.

"you're the boss" he said as he kissed my cheek before sticking his hand out to help me up. we made our way out to his motorcycle. it was just us tonight since cheryl offered to watch the twins for us.

when we made it to the diner there were many people waiting to get into the whyte wyrm night but being as though we knew the owner and the people running the event we went straight through with no problem.

"hey, guys!!" it was a familiar voice coming from a table near the bar. "fangs, it's great to see you man. toni," sweet pea said as he hugged them both.

"rosy, exciting night isn't it?" fangs asked me with the undertone of "are you nervous" which i was. "very, all this one talked about leading up to today was about the whyte wyrm and his love for the serpents so i can't wait for the mini experience" i replied as we sat down at a table.

"i'll get us a few beers" toni said as she got up and tapped my shoulder. "i'll go help her" i added. so i got up and walked behind her as we approached veronica who was on the other side of the bar. "so how can i help you two lovely ladies this wonderful evening" she asked.

"when does she go up?" toni asked. "not sure, i was thinking maybe around 15-20 mins? what do you think rosy" she asked. "20 mins sounds good it gives me enough time to prepare my mind with a few beers" i replied. "you've got this, we've practiced and you've perfected it. just pretend like no one's there if anything" toni suggested

we got our beers and made out way back to the guys.

HEYY!!! i hope you're all doing well and are being safe and taking care of yourselves, remember to eat, sleep, and hydrate. ily and wish for you to have the best rest of your day<33

sorry i didn't write yesterday, if you follow me i'll give updates to how many chapters i'll post and when i'll be posting them. don't forget to comment on anything you think you'd like to add about and please vote<3


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