romeo and juliet

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finally we made it out of the house and to the motorcycle which he then parked right in the student parking lot. as we made our way to the school door afraid of how things would turn out. people were just staring at us as we walked together hand in hand.

"you two are the hottest topic of the halls right now" veronica said as she walked up to us. "what're you talking about?" i asked. "a northsider and a southsider, almost taboo." she said. i looked at sweet pea concerned what that meant for us.

"look, i don't care if she's a northsider or if she's a southsider and i couldn't care less about what all of these people thought." he said agitated but calmly. "here come on" he walked us away from the crowd that was brewing as we were standing there. we walked into the student lounge where veronica then sat with archie. the whole gang was there.

"after you walked out with him last night reggie was pissed and now he's looking for you." archie said concerned for us. "oh i'd like to see him try" sweet pea said with anger. i knew the best way to respond to reggie was to not flip my lid. dating someone for a long time let's you know how to read them. sweet pea and i walked through the halls to go to our lockers which were across from each other.

"we can't stoop to their level, meaning no violence." i said as he walked across to where i was in order to respond to my comment of us having to be the bigger person. i asked him to let me handle reggie since i knew him better and that we will handle these situations as the appear not as a whole. we went through our day without almost not seeing reggie but it was as soon as i slammed my locker i could hear him and his football buddies going down the stairs with, no surprise, cheryl blossom.

"Rosy, i'm sure you know how these serpents are basically hobos, trailer trash even, and they should be here to begin with let alone tarnishing the reputation of our very own northside students" she said as she was backed up with the boys. "i don't care about what any of you think, after all this is all just mob mentality since no one else seems to have a problem with us." i replied. that's when reggie decided to step in and it made me fear that sweet pea would lose his temper but i held his hand and walked with him behind me.

"how do your parents feel with you sleeping around with that southsider?" reggie asked, close to my face like an intimidating stare off contest. i didn't flinch. i just decided to stare back at him then walk away quietly with sweet pea behind me. then the bell rang. it was a risk i was willing to take and it seems as though it worked with him. "look you can't blame him for his shitty behavior, everyone's got stuff going on in their lives" i said trying to calm sweet pea down from his suppressed anger while caressing his cheek softly.

 sweet pea x reader (riverdale)Where stories live. Discover now