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"ugh, what time is it and why is that ringing?" sweet pea asks me as i hurry to turn it off. "its 7 am. school starts at 8:30 i like to be there early. sometimes. stay here i'll make you breakfast" i said as i sat on the couch we were sleeping on. "nooo, stay here with me, we can call in sick" he joked as he grabbed my hand trying to persuade me to stay.

"nice try" i said smiling at him. i kissed him and then began to make my way to the kitchen to make him an omelette. i then took it to the table which he had already made his way to.

he had bed hair ironically since we slept on the couch. "this is delicious, i can't remember the last time i had a real breakfast let alone an omelette for breakfast" he said with his mouthful. "me either, i mean with a house like this and living on the northside people assume i have a cushy nice life but in reality i don't have that.

i mean my parents sorta deserted me and it happens often. i rarely see them so it's nice having you here" i replied to his comment. it went very personal very fast. i never really talked about it with anyone but i did with him since i saw how he lived and that he didn't have a family other than the serpents.

"i was an orphan for most of my life but when i had gotten fostered by this couple they didn't like my association with the serpents since my parents were serpents, so they kicked me out so i've lived with my serpent family ever since." he said as he eat his breakfast reflecting on the past. "in unity there is strength. it's serpent law, they take care of their own." he continued. "it always seemed like there was a lot of love there between all of you guys" i replied.

"there is, so when asshole northsiders insult my people i lose it" he said. it was something you couldn't really dismiss but it was something he felt strongly about which was understandable. i only wish that i could do something in order to make people see that's not what they are.

"well, if it's any consolation you being with a technical northsider is a way of extending an olive branch. a typical romeo and juliet. so if anyone tries to say anything i'll handle it. okay?" i said as i kissed him. he nodded. "now i'm gonna go get dresses i'll be back in half an hour ready to go. you can bring up your bag if you want." i said as i walked up the stairs. i could heat him getting his things and bringing them up stairs while i was picking out my outfit.

i decided to wear my typical white v neck top with my favorite pair of blue jeans. he brought his bag in and set it down on the bed. he emptied it out and grabbed a pair of clothing that was stacked together and a red flannel. us changing in the same room was not exactly the best idea. we ended up losing that half an hour by making out until my second alarm rang.

 sweet pea x reader (riverdale)Where stories live. Discover now