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"oh no you can't chicken out now! there's a whole buffet over there, rosy. and you've got to pick one you want. let's go." she said as she grabbed my hand and pulled it close. she led me right to them. "good evening gentleman i hope everything is well, i'm veronica the owner of this fine establishment and this is my dear close friend Rosalina" she said as i was scanning the booth for a good choice.

"this is the famous rosy? the one who borrowed your records and still hasn't given them back?" a boy in the booth said.

veronica then pulled away and went back to man the bar. "sorry, rosy, this is fangs, slash, sweet pea, kandy, toni, and mad dog. serpents this is rosy woods" jughead had introduced me to everyone at that table but the only one i was focused on was sweet pea. he was staring at me but i wasn't sure if that was good or bad so it intrigued me.

"it's nice to meet you all, how are you guys feeling about the first day of transfer?" i asked. one answered and it was toni topaz the most beautiful serpent there ever was.

"i mean it's different but it's nice that we have doors in the bathrooms and don't have to walk through a metal detector anymore" she said with a chuckle. everyone else agreed and reciprocated the chuckle.

"agreed, well everyone i hope you guys have a great time and get a chance to connect with some riverdale students." i said as i walked back to the bar where veronica was.

"any luck? i noticed one was particularly more captivated by you, i fully support him even if he's a serpent" she said with a hopeful smile. it was no surprise that i was hopeful too. after things with captain of the football team reggie mantle ended just about 6 months ago, we still had remained good friends since we dated a long time, but that was beginning to put a damper on my romance life.

"his names sweet pea, he's cute but i'm not sure captivated was exactly the reason sadly..."i said hopelessly as she poured me a drink in hopes that it would distract me from striking out.

"um, not to alarm you but that sweet pea guy is coming this way." she said. "what?!" i whisper yelled nervously. my heart was beating faster and i began to feel butterflies of nervousness. i felt better knowing i was striking out but the mere chance i may be wrong was even scarier.

"can i get a drink?" he asked veronica as he stood at the bar. he glanced at me. "we don't serve alcohol if that's what you're insinuating, but i'll get you a great mocktailed old fashion. it might take a while." she responded. he glanced at me again. "yeah that's fine" he responded to her. she walked away to make his drink and take the orders of other people at the bar. as he waited standing right next to me i began to take deep breaths in agony that he was coincidentally...right. there.

"rosy, right? do you mind if i sit while i wait?" he asked politely. "yes i am, and no i don't mind." i replied with a smile. he looked at me conflicted on what to say exactly. "im sweet pea, i was with jughead when you came over. i was wondering if we could get to know each other?" he asked. i looked at my drink and smiled.

 sweet pea x reader (riverdale)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon