my place

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"would you like the grand tour?" i asked as i was opening the door to my two story house. "of course, with a house this big it's grand" he laughed. i locked the door behind us and walked to the kitchen to put the food down.

"so this is the kitchen and dining, then over here" i grabbed his hand and lead him around the house. "this is the living room and downstairs bathroom and guest room. now we have the stairs that lead to the bedrooms" i continued. he put his hands on my hips and i walked up the stairs in front of him.

"this here is my parents room, then it's my room, in here" i said. he walked in and was immediately awestruck. "this is one sickass room. you've got comics and records! woah there are loads of books." he seemed excited about that and it made me happy seeing how genuinely excited he felt.

"now why am i so focused on comics and records when i have you, right in front of me" he said as he leaned down to kiss me. slowly but surely we got to the point of a pg-14 make out sesh as we were standing in the doorway but then i decided to kick it up a notch. i pulled away and closed the door. i slowly unbuttoned my thin buttoned up black long sleeve top.

slowly walking towards him he was standing there looking at me, as i reached the bottom of my top i put my hand on his chest and pushed lightly to direct him onto my bed. i could tell it was turning him on because he was breathing deeply. "now it's your turn" i said with a smile.

he took his off in such a delicate way but swiftly and slowly at the same time. i kissed him then sat on top of him. he rolled so that way he'd be on top. which was i think the best thing to happen because he was in control. he kissed me all over and i was just there, i was experiencing something i never really felt before. he slowly took off my pants then my underwear before he began to do the same for himself. suddenly we were both completely naked, but before he put himself in me i wanted to give him something to rev him up.

so as he sat in my bed i put my mouth on the tip and kissed it. i proceeded to give him oral pleasure until he came. the moans echoed in my room. him saying how he was slow close and how much he loved it. i would be lying if i said i didn't love giving it. so then he moved down and i moved to sit up. he decided to give back to me and i was more shocked then ever. he did so tenderly and carefully in which it was close to perfect. he left me shaking with satisfaction. i gave him consent to continue and put his dick in. he rubbed my clit as he was slowly thrusting in and out of me.

"oh god" i whispered. i put my hands feeling all over his chest. he leaned in and kissed my neck all over. he grabbed neck and lifted my head up gentle placing my head on a pillow. when he was finished he collapsed onto the bed right next to me. we were both out of breath, high in oxytocin and dopamine. "wow" he whispered.

"we've got to do that again" he said laughingly. it made me smile, it's been a very long time since i've gotten to have this much fun. "you know? i've got to say, you have exceeded my expectations sweet pea. you might even be the best sex i've ever had which i mean doesn't say much since i've only had sex with few." i said. "few or many, it's still an honor" he said laughingly as he turned to his side and pulled me close to him.

"i wish i could kiss you right now because of how beautiful you are, but i'd rather not since we just..." he said as he spoke into my shoulder. he kissed my shoulder and it made me wonder if he was waiting for a round two.

i don't normally do two rounds but with him i probably could. either way i felt this deep connection with him and i remember my aunt saying that her best sex was with someone she felt was her soulmate sadly he died before i could've met him but i had asked her about how she knew he was the one and she had said the sex. no matter who they are, if you have this deeper connection than love, the sex is the best you've ever had. would that mean he was my best sex ever? that he could possibly even be my soul mate? i wasn't sure what to base anything off of but right now i had this beautiful guy laying right next to me.

if sex was all he was in for he would've been gone by now. this was a life changing moment for me. i've gone full romeo and juliet for him. with his big brown eyes staring into mine i ran my fingers through his hair as he ran his fingers down the side of my body. i could feel the cool touch of his rings on his fingers. it gave me goosebumps. we laid there for a quick minute savoring the moment of our first night together. wether or not this was to become something. "thank you for taking a chance on me" i told him. i wasn't much of a looker in my opinion. "i should be saying that to you since you're way out of my league" he said to me chuckling and smiling. it made me smile that someone thought very highly of me.

 sweet pea x reader (riverdale)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu