bulldogs vs serpents

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"sure, what'd you like to know?" i said with a smile. he was facing me, his body was facing me. "what's your opinion on serpents moving to riverdale high?" he asked me sarcastically. "personally, northside or southside, people are people and i'm glad you guys all got moved out of there since i heard it was dangerous, what are your thoughts?" i replied sincerely.

"well i think northsiders won't let us have what's ours but it's nice to be moved to safer place." he replied. "is that the only good thing so far?" i asked him in a flirtatious way. i only hoped he got the hint. "well that depends. do you....have a boyfriend?" he took my hint. i only wish i knew how to handle these situations instead of thinking back on years ago when i first started dating reggie. "no, i don't. do you...have a girlfriend?" i asked as a counter. "no, but hopefully maybe you'd let me take you out on a date? sometime?" he asked nervously.

it was almost as if he was as nervous as i was. he had this cute awkward nervous laugh. i spotted veronica looking at us and smiling. "i'd love to, i mean we could grab a burger upstairs if you'd like?" i suggested. he agreed in an exciting voice. it was a surprise to experience when a tough looking exterior was internally soft. he extended his arm out so that i would lead us out of the party and upstairs to the diner. however we were stopped midway when we saw all the football players coming right down the stairs including one of my close friends archie andrews and my ex boyfriend/friend reggie mantle.

reggie had been against the serpents being at school so when he saw me with one he was even more angry. "woah, rosy what are you doing? why are you with this greaser?" he asked insultingly. sweet pea felt offended so he became defensive. they both began arguing and before things got too out of hand i had to step in. i grabbed sweet peas hand and he got quiet, confused, but it got his attention. "reggie. we were just leaving, enjoy the party" i said as i walked away holding sweet peas hand guiding him through the crowd. "you're not leaving with him" reggie's yelled. archie finally took the time to calm reggie down and let me go. once we got to the door that led to the diner i let go of his hand.

"hey look in really sorry for doing that, i kinda sprung that in you." i apologized. as he sat down at the booth he seemed still fuming with anger. "it's not your fault it's those damn northsiders and the fact they think they're better than southsiders" he said exasperated.

"well...what if i could change your opinion of northsiders? i mean only if you're up for it. " i said trying to flirt with him but i wasn't sure if he was catching onto that. "i think i can get on board with that" he replied with a seducing smile. "well i have a empty house, for a couple days..." i suggested. "then let's take the burgers to go" he suggested as he order us two burger and two milkshakes which i then held on the back of his motorcycle as we went to my place.

 sweet pea x reader (riverdale)Where stories live. Discover now