Epilogue 3 - Giving Birth

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"Take the painkillers, Deku! For the love of God, take the painkillers!" Katsuki begged, biting back a scream even as Izuku released a blood curdling scream that would haunt Katsuki for the rest of his life.

"Take the pills!" Denki- who obviously became very close and a very good friend of Izuku- begged from the other side of the table where he was taking his turn holding Izuku's other hand. "Oh gosh, take the pills!"

"I can't!" Izuku growled, tightening his grip around their hands just as another contraction tore through him, earning twin shouts of pain and pleas for mercy.

"Izuku," Eijiro quietly said, drawing Izuku's rage towards him while Katsuki sagged in his chair, not sure if he'd be able to survive another contraction without drugs, "you're only at two centimeters, sweetheart. I think it might be time to start rethinking your choice for a natural childbirth."

"No!" Izuku bit out through clenched teeth, sounding somewhat demonic and scaring the ever-living hell out of all three of them.

"I will remember having these babies!"

"Love," Katsuki said slowly, hoping not to startle his husband into turning his homicidal rages on him. "I understand that you don't want to go into one of your 'states', but I don't think that you want to be in this much pain for the next few hours either. Do you?"

Izuku turned his glare on him so fast, it was a wonder that he didn't fall out of his chair. "I am not taking drugs!"

"O-okay," Katsuki said, swallowing nervously as he gently pat the back of his small husband's hand, trying to soothe him before Izuku decided to go for his balls.

"Why don't you boys give us a minute?" his father said with a warm smile for Izuku as he walked into the room, wearing a pair of navy blue scrubs.

"Thank God," Denki muttered, pecking Izuku's forehead before pulling his hand free with a wince as Katsuki did the same.

"We'll just be in the hallway," Katsuki promised his husband, deciding that mentioning the ice pack that he planned on hunting down for his hand would probably only piss the boy off.

"Okay," Izuku mumbled, panting a bit as he placed his hand protectively around the large swell of his belly.

Katsuki leaned down and kissed him. "You're doing great."

"Ice chips. I need more ice chips," Izuku said with the determination of a man who truly believed that ice chips would make all the difference in the world and somehow ease his pain.

"I'll get more ice chips," he promised him, resisting the urge to cradle his own hand against his chest.

"Thank you," Izuku said, sighing with relief as he laid back and closed his eyes.

"We'll be right back," he said, ignoring the panicked look in his brother's eyes as they headed for the door, not knowing that his father was about to make a liar out of him.

An hour later, he was finally allowed to return.

"Kacchan!" Izuku said excitedly with a big smile, giving him his first clue that something was seriously wrong.

"Umm, hey, Tink. I brought your ice chips," he said, holding up the cup that was mostly water now.

Izuku's beautiful green eyes teared up as his chin quivered. "You are the sweetest man alive. I love you so much, Katsuki Bakugo," Izuku said with a little sniffle that immediately put Katsuki on edge.

"Oh, shit... "

They'd drugged him.

Somehow, his father had managed to do what no one else had been able to do and convinced Izuku to take the pain medication.

He was glad that someone was able to convince his husband to take the medication, because he hated the idea of his Tinkerbelle suffering even one second of pain.

But there was a part of him, a very big part of him, that was absolutely terrified of what the next twelve hours or so, were going to hold for them.

"He's numb from the waist down. He won't be able to leave that bed," Masaru said with a knowing smile.

"Thank God," Katsuki said, sagging with relief, thankful that he wasn't going to have to worry about his very pregnant husband trying to escape his bed all night and getting into who-only-knows-what.

At least this way, they'd be able to keep a close eye on him and make sure that he-

"I can't wait to have sex again," Izuku said, sighing wistfully. "I really miss sex."

"Umm, Deku," he said, trying to get his husband's attention before he could-

"Only with Kacchan of course, because he has a really large penis and he knows how to use it," Izuku announced as Katsuki stood there, trying to pretend that he wasn't blushing as he desperately tried to get his intoxicated husband to stop.

"Here, sweetheart. Why don't you have some water?" he suggested, holding the cup out to his boy, praying that he took it before Izuku said something that would make this worse.

"He knows how to use his tongue and fingers, too," his Tinkerbelle added thoughtfully as everyone in the room suddenly found one of the walls or the floor interesting.

"It's going to be a long night," his father said with a sigh and sympathetic smile as Katsuki closed his eyes in defeat.

They definitely had a long night ahead of them, he decided, when Izuku suddenly broke out in hysterical tears when he realized that his ice chips had melted.

A long damn night...

The End.


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