46 - Going Slow

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Katsuki kissed his way to Izuku's right nipple, gently suckling a mark on his chest as he went.

When he reached his target, he licked around it, kissed the tip, flicked it with his tongue, pulled it into his mouth and suckled on the hard tip as he ran his palm over the other nipple, teasing it into a firm point.

"Katsuki..." Izuku moaned his name, shifting restlessly beneath him.

"Does this feel good, sweetheart?" he asked as he allowed Izuku's nipple to slip free from his mouth.

"Yes," Izuku moaned, swallowing audibly before he added, "do it again."

Chuckling, Katsuki worked his way to his other nipple, kissing and licking as he went, savoring every moan that escaped Izuku's beautiful mouth.

He gently squeezed his hardened nub, holding it as he ran his tongue around the nipple before he pulled it into his mouth and gently tugged it between his teeth. He worked Izuku's other nipple between the fingers of his free hand as he squeezed the other.

Gosh, Izuku felt so fucking good.

But, he knew that Tinkerbelle would feel better in a minute.

He gave the boy's nipples one last pinch before he trailed his hand down his stomach, over his hip and down his leg until he came to his knee.

He moved his hand behind Izuku's knee and pulled his legs aside. He trailed his fingers back up his thigh until he came to the part were thigh meets pelvis.

"Please make this good, please make this good, please make this good," he heard Izuku whispering softly, pleading, and he couldn't say that he blamed the boy.

Not after what he'd been through with that prick of an ex.

"I'll make this good," he promised his boy as he moved his hand and opened Izuku's thighs wider.

Gosh, Izuku was so soft and so warm in his hands that he can't help but grip those gorgeous inner thighs tightly leaving hand prints on the supple skin.

He suckled the firm nipple in his mouth as he moved his index finger around Izuku's ring of muscle, loving the way he felt, the way his lips parted each time his finger put even the slightest pressure.

He made a quick work of dipping his middle finger at the precum glistening from Izuku's erection that's making a puddle on his stomach.

"Relax for me, babe." He groaned as he slid his wet middle finger inside Izuku.

"Oh, gosh!"

He pushed harder, making sure to brush up against Izuku's prostate. He was fucking warm and tight, greedily squeezing his finger.

Groaning, he abandoned his nipples and kissed his way down his stomach. He dropped to his knees in front of the bed as he removed his hand.

"Kacchan!" Izuku sobbed, shifting restlessly on the edge of the bed.

"Shh, I'm not done," Katsuki said soothingly as he leaned down and kissed one thigh and then the other before putting them over his shoulders

A strangled gasp escaped Izuku as Katsuki leaned forward and pressed his lips against the boy's rim, so he kissed him again, using his tongue. He ran his tongue over his hole. He lapped at it, loving the way Izuku rolled his hips against his mouth.

"Kacchan, please... " Izuku moaned, threading his fingers through Katsuki's hair.

He pushed his head further into Izuku.

He licked around his opening, making him moan as he slid his tongue inside him, damn near coming when his rim tightened around his tongue and squeezed.

He could only imagine how good Izuku was going to feel wrapped around his cock when he fucked him.

Katsuki's hand actually shook as he reached between his own legs and palmed his erection while his other hand went to Izuku's weeping manhood.

He wanted Izuku. Shit, he fucking wanted him.

He gripped both their cocks and stroked them, trying to take the edge off his need for his boy, but it didn't work. With every moan and shift of Izuku's hips, he had him struggling to stay in control.

He wanted to fuck his Izuku... needed to be inside him, but he fought it with everything that he had.

This was too important to fuck up.

He wanted Izuku, not just for the night, but for the rest of his life.

This was the man that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and he wasn't about to fuck it up because he wanted to-

"Fuck me," Izuku moaned, causing his hand to tighten around both their cocks. "Please, Kacchan!"

"No," he practically snarled against Izuku's rim as he hungrily licked him out.


"We're going slow!"

"I don't want to go slow!"

"We're going slow!" he snapped against Izuku's hole as he was forced to tighten his fist around his cock to stop himself from coming too soon.

He might not allow himself to come inside Izuku, but he would damn well be coming with him.




"Katsuki, please!" Izuku sobbed around a moan as he shifted wildly beneath Katsuki's mouth, digging his small hands into his spiky hair.

He groaned against Izuku as he shifted his attention back to his core and slid his tongue back inside. He licked Izuku out, sliding his tongue inside him, ignoring the tight grip the boy had on his hair and the urge to come.

This was for Izuku.

He didn't care how much pain he was in, or how badly he needed to come. He needed to do this for Izuku. He needed to give this to him.

"That feels so good!"

He doubled his efforts, his hand moving faster over Izuku's erection while his other hand tightened around his own cock as he licked and sucked and ate Izuku out, loving every moan and gasp and whimper that filled the small bedroom.

He felt Izuku's walls tighten around his tongue, heard him gasp and moan his name, and when he felt him clamp down around his tongue and heard him scream his name, he groaned in relief as he released both of his hold and let go.

As the tremors of Katsuki's orgasm tore through him, he realized something very important.

Taking it slow was going to kill him.

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