16 - One Fine Morning

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Oh, gosh...

What the hell happened last night?

Izuku found himself wondering as he came to the realization that he had his face plastered against a very firm, very masculine chest.

Deciding that he'd die of mortification later in the privacy of his apartment, he bit his lip, squeezed his eyes shut and slowly shifted until he found himself turned around, facing away from what he now realized was a slumbering Katsuki Bakugo.

Swallowing, he reached up and placed his hands on the arm trapping him and tried to push it away when he suddenly found himself pulled back against him.

Katsuki shifted in his sleep, somehow managing to pull him closer as the man placed his hand against his stomach, holding him against him.

This was definitely an awkward situation, he had to admit, and one that he had absolutely no experience in dealing with.

When Monoma used to spend the night, the man would hogged the bed and would try to spoon him, but it was always so uncomfortable for both of them that he usually gave up after a minute and turned over, shoving Izuku aside in the process.

Not that he ever complained. Well, except for the way his ex hogged the bed and ignored him.

Izuku had actually been relieved that he didn't have to spend the night in Monoma's arms.

Moments like this when he looked back on the way things had been with Monoma, he felt foolish.

There had been so many signs that Monoma hadn't been right for him, that he'd never loved him and to be honest, he hadn't loved him or liked him all that much in return.

Monoma could be rude, condescending and dismissive and if Izuku had been thinking at the time, he would have realized why Monoma had been with him.

Because no one else had wanted him.

They all saw him as a little brother, someone cute and sweet to spend time with when they were feeling homesick or their significant others were busy.

They didn't see him as a man, as someone worthy of spending time with, someone worth the risk of losing their heart. Monoma certainly hadn't wanted him. The only thing that the man had wanted from him was his money and what he could do to help his career.

Monoma had used him, made him feel worthless, and when he was done with him, the man had made damn sure that he knew that he'd never really wanted him.

No one wanted him.

There really was nothing like an extra large helping of self-pity to start the day, Izuku thought with disgust as he made another attempt to push away the arm holding him.

Wow, this thing was huge, he mused, biting his lower lip as he tried to pick it up again only to give up with a grunt when that manacle Katsuki had the nerve to call an arm tightened around him.

This was ironic, he mused.

The man that had professed to love him more than anything hadn't been able to stand touching him and the one that he'd been contemplating killing- not that he would ever admit it in a court of law- couldn't seem to let him go.

Then again, Katsuki probably didn't realize who was in his arms, which would explain why he was holding him like he never wanted to let him go and why that frighteningly large appendage between his legs was pressing rather insistently against his backside... and part of his back.

That really couldn't be normal, Izuku thought, struggling against the urge to wiggle against it to get a better idea of just how big he was, but that kind of seemed rude.

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