74 - Knocked Out

174 5 1

Orlynn, Mecresh

Three months later...

"You shouldn't be carrying that," Masaru said with a smile as he took the large bag from him and carried it the rest of the way to the rental car he'd been using for the last couple of months.

"Thank you," Izuku said, trying to force a smile for him, but unfortunately it came out as a grimace when the babies that he was carrying decided to start kicking, which unfortunately hit his bladder in just the right way.

"What's wrong?" Masaru asked as his smile quickly morphed into a look of concern. He dropped the bag he was carrying and rushed back to Izuku's side, placing a hand over the large baby bump, that was actually starting to concern Izuku himself, and one on his back.

"It's fine," he said with a heavy sigh as he looked back over his shoulder and nearly whimpered, because he was going to have to walk all the way back to the house and use the bathroom, again.

"I just need a minute," he explained with a sad little pout that had Masaru chuckling, earning a murderous glare that was quickly changed into a wince as the babies kicked his bladder, harder.

"I'll wait," Katsuki's father said, gesturing back to the house and looking amused, which was either gonna get his ass kicked or make Izuku start crying.

And crying it was...

With a sniffle that he may have done on purpose to make Masaru feel bad for laughing at him, Izuku slowly turned around and started the long walk back into the house.

Twenty minutes later and two additional trips to the bathroom, he was finally in the car and heading towards the hospital.

"What are your plans when you get home?" the doctor asked, bringing up the topic that the rest of the Bakugos, and Katsuki for that matter, had been avoiding since it was discovered that he was pregnant.

Izuku had absolutely no idea himself.

Well, that wasn't exactly true.

He knew what he wanted to do, but since Katsuki hadn't brought it up and he was going to be busy recuperating when they went home, he didn't think that was going to happen.

Katsuki was a sweet guy, who loves him and was excited about the babies, but he also needed time to heal and it wouldn't be fair of Izuku to expect Katsuki to deal with him and two newborn babies.

He'd keep his apartment, take care of Katsuki and allow the man some time to do what he needed to do in order to walk again.

He wasn't going to make any suggestions or ask him for anything. He'd work until he couldn't any longer and then...

Sighs, he really had no idea what he would do, because he really didn't want to continue working at the library. He loves going to libraries and reading tons of books but as a job, it just wasn't for him. For him it was stressful and a tedious job that made him hate going to bed at night, because he knew that he had to go to work the next day and it depressed the hell out of him.

"Are you going to move in with Katsuki?" Masaru asked casually, making him frown a bit.

"No," he said slowly, unable to help but wonder why he was asking him about shacking up with his son instead of suggesting marriage.

Didn't most parents push for marriage when there was a baby on the way?

His own father had certainly been pushing for marriage since the moment that Izuku found the courage to call him and tell him that his unmarried son was knocked up.

That phone call hadn't gone so well, which he'd been expecting. He'd expected a few comments about Hisashi being disappointed in him and a few suggestions of what he should do.

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