59 - Father's Side And Crying Tinkerbelle

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"Stop crying! Please stop crying!"

"What the hell?" Katsuki asked, ramming his key card in the reader as he struggled to hold all the bags of food in his other arm.

Terrified that Izuku was in pain or that his father said something to upset him, Katsuki shoved the door open, walked into the room and nearly tripped over his own two feet when he spotted Izuku- bundled up in a blanket and curled upon his father's lap, crying hysterically.

"What did you do to him?" he demanded, dropping the bags on the coffee table so that he could kneel in front of Izuku.

He ran shaky hands over his Tinkerbelle's neck and arms, looking for a reason behind the tears.

"I didn't do anything to him!" his father yelled, sounding a bit hysterical as he handed Izuku over to him.

He happily took his boyfriend in his arms and stood up so that he could sit on the couch next to his father.

"Shh, Deku, it's okay," he said, throwing his father a questioning look only to find his father blindly stuffing french fries in his mouth.

"One minute, he was fine," Masaru said between shoving food in his mouth, "and then next, he was crying hysterically and wouldn't stop!"

"I-It... it was so... sweet!" Izuku said, sobbing hysterically against his chest. "It's so sad!"

"What's so sad?" Katsuki asked, looking back at his father to see him taking a big bite out of one of the burgers he'd bought.

His father paused to shoot Izuku a nervous glance as he muttered, "Nothing."

"So," sniffle, "sad," Izuku mumbled, clutching Katsuki's shirt in his small fists as he once again buried his face against his chest.

Katsuki glanced back at his father to find him chugging one of the shakes down.

Masaru shrugged and returned to finishing off the shake while Katsuki sat there, holding Izuku and wondering what the hell he'd missed.


"Is it your Mom again?" Izuku asked, shifting on his stomach so that he could look back at Katsuki.

Katsuki sat against the headboard, staring down at the phone in his hand. "It's fine."

No, it really wasn't.

Katsuki was supposed to be here with his family, but instead, the man was here, spending his vacation trapped in this hotel room with him and rubbing antibiotics on his ass.

It was really sweet, but Katsuki shouldn't be here.

He should be spending time with his family, making his mother happy and dealing with his father.

Gosh, it was just so sad...

"Are you crying again?" Katsuki asked, tossing his phone aside and quickly moving to Izuku's side to take his hand.

"No!" he rushed out, turning his head quickly and discreetly wiping at his eyes before he turned back around and plastered a big smile on his face. "I'm fine."

"Do you want to rent another movie?" Katsuki asked, shifting on the bed so that he was lying on his stomach next to him.

"No," Izuku said, shaking his head and refraining from telling Katsuki that he was all movied out for the moment.

"I thought I'd read a book or take a nap," he said, deciding that a nap would probably be the best choice, since reading a book like this wasn't very comfortable and well, there really wasn't anything else that he could do, thanks to the rug burn on his ass.

"A book sounds like a good idea," Katsuki said, nodding approvingly. "Do you want me to go find you something to read?"

"I was actually thinking about taking a nap," he said, nibbling on his bottom lip as he looked over at Katsuki, a little terrified that the man was going to bring up marriage again, but thankfully he didn't.

"A nap sounds good, too," Katsuki said, nodding.

"Well," he said, clearing his throat uncomfortably, "I was thinking that while I took a nap, it would be a good time for you to go spend sometime with your family."

Katsuki shook his head as he laced their fingers together.

"I'm fine where I am," the man said, smiling as he leaned down and brushed his lips teasingly against his.

"You're not tired," Izuku said, sighing as he pulled his hand away from Katsuki's.

Katsuki shrugged, taking his hand back.

"We'll take a nap, watch a movie, have dinner and maybe, I'll run out to get us a few new books later," his boyfriend said with that charming smile that he loved, but was adding to his frustration.

"Look," he said, licking his lips, "I really appreciate you staying with me for the last couple of days, but you don't have to stay here. We're in Mecresh with your family and you haven't spent any time with them, because you've been stuck babysitting me."

"It's not babysitting," Katsuki said with a reassuring smile that Izuku wasn't buying... not at all.

His eyes narrowed on Katsuki, studying that charming smile, the lazy way that the man played with his fingers and what Izuku saw had him pulling his hand free.

With a glare, Izuku did what is needed to be done.

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