84 - Behind Closed Doors

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Tokyo, Japan

Two days later...

"Can't we talk about this?" Izuku asked as he shifted nervously on Katsuki's lap, trying not to appear as though he was looking for a way to escape, but he'd been trained by the military and was a Bakugo by birth so he knew how to spot the signs of someone desperate to get away from him.

It was a gift, Katsuki mused with a satisfied smile as he continued to absently caressing the large swell of Tinkerbelle's stomach, loving the way that his children nudged up against his hand in approval.

"I think we're past the point of talking, don't you?" he said, barely paying attention to where they were going since all of his attention was on his skittish husband who'd made a total of twenty-three escape attempts since they'd kidnapped him from the hotel last night.

Well, kidnapping might be a strong term since all they did was carry him against his will out of the hotel, place him in a car and drive him straight through the night, ignoring all of his requests that they let him go.

There were other requests, like they could go fuck themselves and an adamant plea that they rot in hell, but since he knew that Izuku really didn't mean any of it, Katsuki decided to ignore Tink's murderous glares and enjoy the long ride home with him in his arms.

He knew that Izuku was just incredibly pissed at him, because he'd kept him in the dark and refused to tell him anything more than he loved him and just how beautiful he looked, which to him, Deku really did.

To the rest of the world, Tinkerbelle looked tired, bitter, on the verge of committing murder, but in his eyes, Izuku is the most beautiful fairy he had been blessed with, besides, the rest of the world had absolutely no idea how incredibly fucked up the last few days had been for his Tinkerbelle.

Not that it could have been avoided, because...

Well, it probably should have, he mused while he absently tightened his arms around Izuku and held on when Tink tried to make another escape, most likely to dump him out of his wheelchair so that he could kick his balls into submission.

Katsuki probably should have sat his husband down and calmly explained everything, explained why they'd kidnapped him, the whole sordid family history, why he was rushing him, the arrest and bans were probably something better left discussed for later, but Katsuki could have at least done whatever he could to make this easier for Izuku.

He could have, but...

Well, let's just say that he was being cautious about what information he gave Tink right now, mostly because he hadn't wanted to delay their return home by answering a hundred questions as well as the time it would take to convince him that he wasn't crazy, which probably would have added a few days to trip.

Now he had nothing to worry about, he thought, fighting the urge to sigh with relief because he knew that it wasn't over just yet.

He still needed to get Izuku across the threshold of the house that his father and Uncle Toshinori had purchased for them to lease before he could stop worrying about the curse.

Not that he was still worried about it, he wasn't, really, but he didn't want to fuck this up anymore than he needed to, which was why he refused to answer Izuku's questions until they were safely inside.

"Ready?" Hitoshi asked with a grim expression as he took a deep breath.

"Ready," he answered with a firm nod, tightening his hold around his husband and making sure that he didn't make his escape and prolong this damn curse any longer than was necessary.

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