69 - Fuck Ups

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"I'm busy," he said, not bothering to look up from his phone as he headed towards his room.

"I need to tell you something," Ojiro said, quickening his pace to catch up with him.

"Tell me later," Katsuki said, pulling out his key card.


"Later," he said, opening his door and stepping inside, only to come to a halt when he spotted his father sitting on the edge of the bed.

"He had left the hotel," Ojiro said, unnecessarily it would seem, since the note Izuku left for him on the mirror said it all.

"When?" he asked, trying not to panic.

"A little after ten this morning," his father said, standing up.

He glanced around the room and noted that all of Izuku's stuff was gone.

Nodding, he turned around to go after his boyfriend, but he barely managed to turn around before his father stopped him by saying the one thing that he'd been waiting for his father to say for the past eight years, but never thought he would.

"You fucked up," his father said, stopping him in his tracks.

"Dad," Ojiro said, shaking his head, but his father wasn't listening.

"You fucked up and then you ran away like a coward."

Jaw clenched, Katsuki met his brother's shocked gaze and slowly, so fucking slowly, turned around so that his father could call him a coward to his face.

"I made a mistake," he said evenly. "I was a kid and I made a mistake."

"No," Masaru said, shaking his head as he moved closer, sounding furious. "You didn't make a mistake. You fucked up. You fucked up your life and instead of being a man and fixing it, you ran off like a fucking coward!"

Without thinking, Katsuki swung.

He swung and he hit his father and he kept on hitting, not caring that his father was just taking it or that his brother was trying to pull him off.

He didn't fucking care. There were too many damn years, too much pain and anger to ignore a comment like that.

His father had ignored him for years. Fucking years!

And the first time that he really acknowledges him, it was to call him a fucking coward?

"Get off him!" he heard Eijiro scream, followed by footsteps and voices of his brothers, but he couldn't stop.

This was his father and he loves him.

He loves him so damn much and his father had abandoned him when he'd needed him the most. He'd turned his back on him and made him feel like shit, like he was fucking worthless and a failure and like his fuck up couldn't be fixed.

That was bad enough, but when he'd joined the Marines, he'd waited a word from his father, waited for Masaru to call him, to visit him, to send him a letter telling him that he'd fucked up but that everything would be okay- anything.

But there had been nothing.

The message had come through crystal clear.

His father had washed his hands off him. Nothing could have been clearer than the moment he woke up and found Masaru standing in his doorway, watching him with a detached expression.

Then his father had turned his back on him and walked away while he'd laid there in that damn hospital bed, struggling not to scream from the pain.

That had been the worst moment of his life and now...

He couldn't stop.

He just couldn't and gosh, how he wanted to stop swinging his arms, but he couldn't.

There was just too much pain and he couldn't stop.

So, when he felt his brothers grab him and pull him away from his father, he was unbelievably grateful.

But as they pulled Katsuki back and took him to the ground, that gratitude turned to pure agony.


"Breathe, Katsuki," Masaru said, trying not to lose it as he watched Katsuki struggle to breathe through the pain.

"Dad?" Ojiro said, putting everything into that one word as he looked up from Katsuki, pleading with him to make his brother okay with one look, a look he recognized all too well.

"He's going to be fine," he said firmly, absently wiping away the blood trickling down his chin on the back of his arm as he looked his son over.

"Hold still, man," Rikido said, taking his brother's hand in his. "Just hold still."

"Call for an ambulance," Eijiro said calmly, but his hands shook as he grabbed Katsuki's shirt and pulled it up.

Masaru pushed his son's hands away and examined Katsuki's stomach.

When his fingers moved over the scar and Katsuki screamed, long and loud, he tried not to panic.

Please watch over my son, he chanted in his head- the same prayer he'd said every day for the past eleven years.

Please watch over my son, Please watch over my son, Please watch over my son...

"Denki, go get Izuku and meet us at the hospital," he said, trying to remain calm as he watched the first signs of bruising and swelling spread around Katsuki's scar.

A clear sign that his son was going to need one more surgery that he might not get through.

Oh God... Please...

"Someone call Mom," Eijiro said hollowly as he looked up and met his father's gaze.

"What's wrong with him?" Hanta demanded, taking Katsuki's other hand in his.

The fact that Katsuki didn't try to pull his hands away and tell his brothers that he was fine, told them everything that they needed to know.

"It was an accident," Ojiro said, staring down at his brother, shaking his head in disbelief. "Gosh, it was an accident."

"It's okay," Masaru told his sons in his most soothing tone, the one that he saved for frightened relatives that were forced to stand around helplessly while their patients suffered.

"He shouldn't have hit you," Rikido bit out evenly, sounding pissed even as he gave Katsuki's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I had it coming," he told his son, because they all knew that he had that coming and more for what he'd done to Katsuki.

"T-Tinkerbelle," Katsuki whispered weakly.

"Hey, what's going on?" Mina asked as she walked in the room only to stop when she spotted Katsuki on the floor.

"Katsuki?" she said, rushing to his side. "Oh my gosh, Katsuki!" she said, trying to take Katsuki's hand away from Rikido, but he wasn't letting him go.

"He's going to be fine," Eijiro said, forcing a small reassuring smile as he took his sister's hand and gently pulled her to her feet and into his arms. "He's going to be fine."

"I can't feel my legs," Katsuki said weakly, seconds before he finally passed out...

And all hell broke loose.

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