Epilogue 1 - Surprise

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Two Months Later...

"Do you need anything else?" Izuku asked, absently rubbing his large belly.

Katsuki rolled his eyes playfully as he placed his hands on the wheels of his wheelchair and rolled away from the table.

"I'm fine, Tinkerbelle."

"Are you sure?" he asked, walking over to the refrigerator so that he could make sure that everything was within Katsuki's reach.

Once he'd made sure that his husband could reach the beer and soda to watch his game, he moved onto the counters and double-checked that Katsuki could reach all his favorite snacks.

"Tink..." Katsuki said in a chiding tone with a touch of exasperation. "I'm fine. Go take your shower."

Izuku glanced around the large country kitchen of their new house and sighed at the stacks of boxes that he still needed to go through and nearly groaned.

He should go through a few more of these boxes before he even thought about taking a shower, but he was just so tired.

All he wanted to do was take a shower and curl up in bed and sleep for the next two days, but there was just too much to do.

They'd been back for almost two months, but it felt like only two days.

It seemed like he'd been going non-stop since the moment that he came out of his drug induced haze.

Katsuki had broken his back in three places and had needed around the clock care and two additional surgeries to fix everything.

A week after his own surgery to fix his hand, he'd made the choice to stay with Katsuki in Mecresh while he recovered.

Izuku had taken a leave of absence from work and prepared himself to be fired, but instead, his boss had found a way for him to run the library from Mecresh and save his job.

When he wasn't sitting with Katsuki, holding his hand and trying to distract him from the pain, he was working and trying to fit in a few hours of sleep.

Thanks to his father Hisashi and Mitsuki, he hadn't had the additional stress of worrying about his bills, car or anything else.

They'd even rented him a house down in Mecresh, so that he could have a place to rest when he wasn't at the hospital with Katsuki.

Meanwhile in Japan, the rest of the Bakugos moved all of his things into Katsuki's apartment, boxed up their stuff, taken care of their cars, made sure that all their bills were paid and even found an old colonial farmhouse that needed a lot of work.

Toshinori and Masaru bought the house and all the men in their family, including Katsuki's cousins had spent the next two and half months repairing the house, making it livable and handicap accessible for them.

When the men discovered that he was pregnant a month into their stay down in Mecresh, they'd tripled their efforts.

They'd made sure that there was always at least two people staying in the house with him at all times, to help with Katsuki and to make sure that Izuku was taken care of.

Unfortunately, they hadn't been able to do anything about the morning sickness.

Or the exhaustion...

The raging hormones...

The insatiable appetite...

The spontaneous crying...

And about a hundred other problems that went along with pregnancy that managed to turn the men in both families into mother hens.

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