82 - The Last Straw

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"Maybe we should separate them," Tenya suggested as Izuku sat there on one of those hard plastic chairs, sipping water and trembling as he slowly came down from an Advil high.

Hitoshi laughed without humor. "Do you really think that's going to help now? There's no way in hell that they're getting out of this now."

"Out of what?" Izuku mumbled, slowly swallowing a sip of water as he prayed that it wouldn't make him already queasy stomach worse.

Instead of answering him, which they seemed unable to do since yesterday at the buffet when he'd innocently inquired about the matching wedding bands, the men continued to talk as though he wasn't there.

Normally that would piss Izuku off, but right now...

Ah, who the hell was he kidding?

It still pissed him off, but fortunately for them, his stomach decided that it really didn't appreciate that last swallow of water that he'd forced upon it and demanded that he find the nearest bathroom.

Knowing better than to sit there and see if it would pass, because he knew that it wouldn't, he shot the men ignoring him a glare only to once again be ignored and stood up, placed his bottle of water on the seat and went in search of a bathroom before he-

"Oh, gosh," he said when he barely made it five feet when the water and everything else he'd eaten in the last five hours decided to make an appearance.

"Oh, shit," Izuku heard Katsuki curse as Masaru, Tenya and Hitoshi descended upon him, putting large arms around him and guided him to the bathroom, which was sweet, really it was, but unfortunately he wasn't quite done and left an embarrassing trail behind him, marking his way back to the chairs in the suddenly quiet rental car waiting area.

He was thankful when they brought him to the family bathroom, but that soon changed when all three of them decided to stand there, hovering over him as he continued to get sick, adding that special touch to this trip from hell.

"I'm fine," he managed to get out as he leaned over the toilet, struggling not to embarrass himself any further, but of course they once again ignored him.

"Maybe we should take one vehicle," Tenya suddenly suggested, throwing Izuku a nervous glance.

"We'll be able to get them home faster that way," Hitoshi said in agreement, shooting Izuku a pitying look that he really didn't care for, not at all.

"I think the best bet is to get them out of Smary and to the nearest airport so that we can put an end to this fiasco quickly," Masaru suggested as he grabbed a handful of paper towels and poured cold water on them before applying it to Izuku's head and giving him a small amount of relief so that he could once again ask what was going on, but apparently they were still hell-bent on ignoring him.

It was either that or they hadn't heard him over his body's renewed attempts to cleanse itself of every last drop in his stomach.

It was probably the latter, Izuku decided as the men continued to discuss the best way to get them home before the curse, and he made a mental note to ask about that later.

Once he was done, which wasn't for another ten minutes or so, Izuku was helped to his feet, led over to the small sink and manhandled by three large Bakugos that meant well.

By the time they whisked him out of the bathroom and into the hallway where Katsuki sat waiting, looking worried, Izuku was too tired to argue or ask any questions.

So, instead he allowed them to place him on Katsuki's welcoming lap.

He closed his eyes and laid his head against Katsuki's shoulder, deciding that it was probably for the best if he left the details up to the men for now.

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