1 - Killing Feeling

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"I love my wife."

"Yes, but- " Izuku started to say, only to get cut off once again before he could explain why he desperately needed to be released from his lease.

"I love my wife," Tenya, his landlord and a man that he suspected was as close to committing murder as he was, stressed for what had to be the hundredth time since he'd arrived at his apartment five minutes ago.

Izuku released an exasperated sigh as he shifted in his seat and tried to think of another way to explain to the large, and basically decent, man that if he didn't let him out of his lease ten months early, that he was very much afraid that he would end up killing his cousin with his bare hands.

Since he was pretty sure that a full confession would only come back and bite him in the ass later, he decided to go with a more subtle route to get out of his lease.

"I need to be released from my lease, because your cousin is an asshole and he's making my life a living hell," Izuku explained in a calm and efficient manner, neglecting to mention that he'd already thought of twenty-nine different ways to kill the large, and annoying bastard.

For a moment, Tenya didn't say anything as he studied him from across the small eighteenth century country kitchen table that he'd inherited from his Great-Grandmother Nana.

His eyes narrowed on him in an assessing manner as he did the same to Tenya, refusing to be intimidated. When it became obvious that intimidation wasn't going to work, Tenya tried another tactic.

"Which cousin?" he asked, feigning ignorance as he leaned back in his chair.

Izuku just barely bit back a wince when the chair creaked in protest at having to support such a large man.

If he had to guess, he'd have to say the man weighed well over two hundred pounds and every last ounce of him was pure muscle.

Izuku really wasn't sure how much more abuse his poor chair could take, before it finally cracked under pressure.

It would probably depress him for a day or two to lose such a treasured item, especially since he couldn't afford to replace it, even with a cheap knock off from the thrift store on his new salary.

Then again, if it meant getting out of the lease from hell and away from the most annoying man on earth, then Izuku would just have to suck it up and deal with the loss, he decided.

"You know which one," he bit out, knowing that Tenya knew damn well which one of his cousins was driving him to the point of no return.

"There are five of them renting apartments here," Tenya pointed out, not sounding happy about that fact, but not willing to make this easy on him. "I'm afraid that you'll have to be a little more specific."

Granted, all of Tenya's cousins that rented here seemed to be arrogant bastards, but only one of them was a complete asshole.

The rest of his cousins amused Izuku and yes, they could annoy the hell out of him, but not to the point where he was contemplating murder.

That reaction was reserved solely for one man and one man alone.

Katsuki Bakugo.

It was actually kind of funny, because before he'd moved here, he'd thought of himself as a pacifist.

Just the thought of a puppy whimpering, or accidentally hurting anyone's feelings would have had him hitting a pint of ice cream and sobbing hysterically over a movie.

Before Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku had never gotten truly good and mad. He'd never even held a grudge before he'd met him.

He usually let things go pretty quickly and didn't waste his time on nonsense, but that all changed the day that he moved in and met the bastard living across the hall.

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