11 - Hell Night Part 1

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= 8:30 P.M. =

"What now?" Katsuki asked, sighing heavily when he realized that it wasn't one of his family members stopping by with some bullshit excuse so that they could make sure that he was taking care of himself.

It was his pain in the ass neighbor, no doubt coming back to-

"I wanted to thank you for everything that you did for me last night," Izuku started, instantly making him frown.

"Last night?" he repeated, sure that he'd misheard the small man, standing in the hallway- still wearing the towel that he gave him a little over an hour ago- wrapped around all those surprising curves that he'd somehow hidden from him.

"Yes," Izuku said, pushing back a strand of hair curled from his recent shower and obviously still in the process of drying, "I've been thinking about this all night and- "

"All night?" he found himself muttering, not entirely sure where Izuku was headed with this.

"I just wanted to stop by on my way to work and thank you for everything," Izuku said, finishing with a firm nod as he turned and started to head down the hallway towards the front door when he suddenly stopped and turned right back around.

"I almost forgot," he said, walking over to him and-

Forced him to blindly reach out and grab hold of the doorway before his knees gave out and dropped him on his ass from the weight of the cotton towel that Izuku had tossed over his shoulder.

"Thanks again," Izuku, now butt naked, said with a polite smile as he turned around and headed for the front door, leaving Katsuki holding onto the towel as his mind raced to figure out what just happened even as his gaze fell to that delectable, softly rounded ass that he'd give anything to-

"I forgot my keys," Izuku said with a self-deprecating laugh as he turned around and headed back to his own door where he lightly knocked.

" ... Is there someone inside?" Katsuki asked, praying that there was someone behind that door to come take this frustrating man off his hands.

"None," Izuku said with a shrug as he continued to patiently stand in front of his door, waiting for it to magically open.

Katsuki rubbed his hands down his face, telling himself that this wasn't happening to him, not tonight.

Tinkerbelle went ahead and lightly knocked on his door again.

Praying that whatever fucked up side effect the medicine had on Izuku was short term, Katsuki dropped his hands from his face, grabbed the towel off his shoulder and prepared himself for a wrestling match from hell.


= 8:45 P.M. =

"I don't want it!"

"Too damn bad!" Katsuki snapped, making quick work of wrapping the towel around the stubborn boy who was driving him out of his fucking mind.

"You're going to make me late for work!" Izuku snapped once again trying to push past him and walk towards the front door.

But before he could make his way past him, Katsuki had his arm around Izuku and was carrying him back, unfortunately, to his own apartment where he could keep an eye on him.

"Uh huh, that's nice, Tinkerbelle," he said absently, wondering if tying the boy to the baseboard would constitute kidnapping.

"That's not my name!" Izuku snapped, wiggling in his arms.

Desperate for freedom so that he could make another run for the front door where he would no doubt give the neighborhood a show that they would never forget.

"Stop squirming," he said through clenched teeth, praying that Izuku would stop rubbing those damn curves against him with every wiggle, so that he could focus on figuring out how he was going to get him safely back in his apartment and out of his hair.

He wanted his solitude, needed it desperately and as soon as he figured out what was wrong with Izuku, he would have it.

"What the hell is going on here?" a man suddenly demanded, drawing his attention to two tall, and familiar looking police officers, who didn't look too pleased to find a half naked Izuku in his arms.

Oh shit...

"Shindo!" his unwanted load cried, sounding relieved, really relieved, which probably wasn't going to help him in the long run.

For a moment, he considered placing Tinkerbelle back on his feet to make it easier for the very pissed off looking officers to slam him to the floor and read him his rights.

But then he realized that his unwanted load would take advantage of the situation and make his escape.

So, until they ordered him to put Izuku down and raise his hands above his head, he wasn't releasing him.

"Can you please tell him to put me down so that I can go to work?" Izuku asked, sounding completely rational for someone being held by a man that he despised while wearing nothing but a towel.

"Work?" the officer that he was assuming was Shindo repeated back slowly as he shared a look with his partner that Katsuki couldn't read.

He was holding a boy- who hated him and happened to be naked, out of it and most likely a cop's boyfriend- in his arms and his only defense was his cousin's wife's fucked up cooking and Benadryl.

Oh yeah, his ass was going away for a long time for this one, which wouldn't be so bad once he thought about it.

It meant that he'd get two to five years without his family's interference, constant worrying and babying him. Not a bad deal when he thought about it.

"Aspirin or cough medicine?" Shindo suddenly demanded, taking a step forward as he gestured towards the boy in Katsuki's arms.

"Benadryl," he answered with a frown, wondering why they-

"Oh shit no!" Shindo said, shoving his partner out of his way as he tried to make his way back to the front door only to have his partner grab him by the collar, yank him back and run for the door.

"Where the hell are you going?" Katsuki demanded, shifting his unwanted load in his arms.

"As far away from here as humanely possible," Shindo shouted over his shoulder as he tried to shove his way to freedom.

Katsuki couldn't help but shake his head in disgust as he watched the cowards shoving each other, both of them more than willing to leave this boy with a man that he despised.

"One of you needs to stay here and take care of him," he said, rolling his eyes in disgust as Shindo's partner managed to shove Shindo back inside and took off.

"He should be watched by someone that knows him," he said, stressing the point that he was a fucking stranger to this small man.

"Looks like you're doing a good job," Shindo said, scrambling to get back to the front door.

"You're really going to leave your boyfriend with a stranger?" he spat out in disgust, wondering why Tinkerbelle settled for losers like-

"We had you checked out before he signed the lease, Sergeant. We know he's in good hands," Shindo said, taking him by surprise even as the coward backed up, licking his lips nervously.

"I-I just can't go through this again. Not after the last time," he said, shaking his head and sounding terrified, seconds before he turned around and made a run for it, leaving Katsuki standing in the middle of the hallway with his unwanted load.

"Fucking cowards," he spat out in disgust.

"Fucking cowards," his unwanted load repeated back with a sigh that had him rolling his eyes and wondering just how long it would take for the Benadryl to do its thing and knock Tinkerbelle out.

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