57 - A Proposition

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"Is your brother here yet?" Izuku asked, simply to have something to say to break the silence.

When Katsuki didn't answer him, he turned his head and opened his eyes to find the man sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the wall.


"I'm going to marry you," Katsuki simply said, taking Izuku by surprise.

"I'm sorry. What?" he asked, trying to sit up, but the pain shooting up and down his back had him lying back down on his stomach with a wince.

"I am going to marry you," Katsuki said more firmly this time.

"Is this about the condom?" he asked, having absolutely no idea where else this could be coming from.

"Yes," Katsuki said, sighing as he shook his head and said, "No," confusing Izuku even more.

"Okaaay," he said, drawing out the word, even more confused now.

"This isn't because of the condom, Tinkerbelle," Katsuki said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I already planned on asking you. I have a tactical plan and everything, but I thought, after what happened tonight, that I should tell you that I planned on marrying you in case-"

"In case this got me pregnant," he finished for his boyfriend with a nod of understanding.

"Yeah," Katsuki said, turning his head and giving him one of those smiles that he loved. "I didn't want you to worry, Tink."

Izuku grabbed a handful of comforter as he struggled not to have a nervous breakdown.

"I wasn't worried," he said, glad that he was lying down for this conversation.

He wasn't ready to get married, not yet.

After what Monoma had put him through- was still putting him through- he was in no position to get married.

He was still cleaning up the damage his last fiancé had left him with. He had an insane amount of debt, barely any savings and a year before he'd be out of debt.

He didn't want to go into a marriage like that. When he got married- IF ever he got married, it would be without debt and without the daily stress that he had to deal with.

It would be for the right reason.

He didn't want his problems to become Katsuki's.

"Good," Katsuki said, leaning down and kissing his cheek, "I don't want you to worry about anything."

"Katsuki, I can't-"

"Thank God," Katsuki said, sighing with relief as he stood up to go answer the knock at the door that had stopped Izuku from telling his boyfriend that he couldn't marry him.

It was probably for the best, for now, he decided as he closed his eyes and prepared himself for Katsuki's brother to see his naked, scratched up ass.

What he wasn't prepared for was Katsuki's father seeing his ass instead.


"Eijiro told me that you needed a doctor," his father said before he could ask him what he was doing here.

For a moment, Katsuki considered turning his father away, but Izuku needed him. With a nod, he stepped back and gestured for his father to come in.

Without another word, Masaru walked into the room and headed to the bed where he suddenly stopped and stared.

"Is that, um," his father cleared his throat just as he noticed Tinkerbelle's beautiful skin turning a fiery bright red from the tips of his toes to the tips of his ears, "rug burn?"

"Is that Dr. Bakugo?" Izuku whispered.

"Yes," Katsuki said, answering both questions at once.

"I see," Izuku said, lifting his head as he grabbed his pillow and in one move, pulled the pillow over his head and attempted to hide.

"From this rug?" his father asked offhandedly as he glanced down at the dark red rug.

"Yes," he said, leaning back against the wall, waiting for his father to fix Izuku's back and leave.

"You're probably going to need a shot of antibiotics as well as a topical solution just in case," Masaru said, clearly intent on acting like his son wasn't even in the room.

Like usual.

He wasn't having that, not when it came to his Tinkerbelle.

"He reacts badly to medicine," Katsuki told his father, not at all surprised when his father didn't bother looking at him.

"What's his reaction?" his father asked, taking the black carry on bag in his hand and placing it on the edge of the bed next to Izuku's dainty little feet.

Izuku mumbled something into the mattress, but since there was no way either one of them could understand him, and he doubted that Izuku was going to pull the pillow off his head to answer them, he decided to answer for his boyfriend.

"He becomes disoriented and intoxicated."

Masaru nodded thoughtfully as he looked over the damage done to Izuku's poor injured skin while Katsuki did the same.

He felt like such an asshole taking Izuku like that.

"I'm afraid it's necessary," Masaru finally said with a sigh. "Izuku, I'm going to clean the abrasions now and I'm afraid that it's going to sting."

Katsuki wasn't sure, but he thought Izuku nodded.

"Once your abrasions are clean, I'm going to apply a topical antibiotic, which also has a numbing agent and should give you some relief. After that, I'm going to give you a shot to make sure that you don't develop an infection. Is that okay with you?"

The pillow on top of Izuku's head shifted slightly again. Masaru took that as another nod.

"I'm going to get started now," his father said with a reassuring smile as he reached into his bag and took out a kit.

Another nod had Katsuki walking past his father and around the other side of the bed where he sat down on the bed next to Izuku and took his small hand in his.

Izuku squeezed his hand, but didn't say anything as his father cleaned his back, bottom and arms.

"He's not going to feel like doing anything for a few days, which is for the best. He should relax, stay in bed and give the abrasions a chance to heal. He should refrain from taking baths for the next two days. Showers are fine, but make sure that you apply more antibiotic afterwards."

Izuku groaned, long and loud beneath the safety of his pillow.

"I'm going to have some antibiotic ointment delivered later," Masaru explained as he pulled out a syringe and a small vial of medicine. "For now, this should help you sleep."

The pillow shifted from side to side and Katsuki knew that Izuku was shaking his head, because they both knew that whatever his father gave him wasn't going to help him sleep.

"It will be fine. I promise," Masaru had said reassuringly as he leaned over and injected Izuku with the medicine that was guaranteed to make the next twelve hours a living hell.

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