37 - Maybe, Maybe Not

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Three months later...

"We have to stop," Izuku groaned softly against Katsuki's lips, but he didn't loosen his death grip on the man's shoulders or stop grinding down on him.

No, instead, he widened his legs, desperate to get closer.

"We're taking it slow, Deku" Katsuki ground out, one hand beneath Izuku's shirt, caressing his nipple while his other hand shoved its way down the back of Izuku's pants, snaked beneath his boxers and cupped his ass.

"We are taking it slow," Izuku reminded him, grinding as hard as he could against the large bulge in Katsuki's pants.

They were taking things very slowly, indeed. For the first two months, they'd kept it to short kisses stolen during their dates and even longer kisses goodnight.

At some point in the last four weeks, Izuku had found himself being pulled onto Katsuki's lap, grinding down on him and... enjoying it.

It had surprised Izuku just how much he'd enjoyed it.

He liked everything about Katsuki, from the way that his large hand felt wrapped around his smaller one, the way Katsuki's lips felt against his skin, the way his hands moved over him, the way he held him, the way Katsuki made his heart race and made him gasp.

Katsuki had also started calling him by his real nickname that only those who are closest to him knows, though he still calls him Tinkerbelle. He did grown fond of the name, and in return, he calls Katsuki a nickname of his own.

Over the past three months, the man had surprised and amazed him. Katsuki treated him like he was the most precious thing in the world to him.

Katsuki took him out on romantic dates, which usually ended in disaster, but left him smiling each and every time.

He'd taken him on a romantic dinner cruise, taught him how to play laser tag, took him to play paint ball in the woods again, taken him to a concert, picnics, cooked him dinner, surprised him at his temporary office at City Hall most days with lunch, and just made him smile.

It didn't matter if Katsuki was burning dinner or accidentally setting his apartment on fire when he tried to surprise him with a candlelit dinner. He just had a way about him that made him smile.

Katsuki still irritated him from time to time, but now the man apologized before Izuku got a chance to come up with another way to get rid of his body after killing him.

When Katsuki pissed him off, and he still did that frequently, the man brought him flowers, chocolate and a pint of ice cream to make up for it along with a sincere apology and a promise to try to stop being an asshole.

"Izuku," Katsuki groaned loudly, making him smile because the man only called him by his name when he was nearing the point of no return.

The point where he came close to saying the hell with it and forgetting their plans to take this slowly.

"Kacchan, we should stop," he said, panting as he pulled back only to moan as Katsuki followed the move with his mouth and began licking and suckling his neck.

He laid back against the steering wheel, pulled his legs up until they were bent and he'd shifted until his ass was rubbing against the hard bulge in Katsuki's pants.

He wrapped his arms around Katsuki's shoulders and moaned as the man moved his hand to his hips while the other one palmed his erection over his pants.

"You feel so fucking good," Katsuki groaned against his neck as he tightened his grip on Izuku's hip and moved him, shifting him back and forth across his lap.

Izuku moaned loudly as he closed his eyes and allowed his head to drop back against the wind shield as he lost himself in Katsuki's touch, his own pants getting tighter and tighter.

"Are you wet for me?" Katsuki asked, moving him harder against him.

The only response he could manage was a moan, but it seemed to be the answer that Katsuki was looking for because he rewarded him with a hard rub.

"I bet you're soaking wet, Deku. I'd also be willing to bet that you'd be tight for me," Katsuki growled against his skin, his hands moving him in a rhythm that had Izuku gasping for air and grinding down on him harder. "I bet sliding inside you would feel better than-"

A hard knock at the driver's side window interrupted whatever Katsuki was going to say and had Izuku groaning pathetically and whimpering a bit as he buried his face against Katsuki's chest, struggling to catch his breath and for the second time in his life, contemplating throttling someone with his bare hands.

Before he could move off Katsuki's lap- not that he was really capable of doing that at the moment- the driver's side door was thrown open and Shindo, looking seriously pissed, was standing there, glaring at them.

"You said you were coming right back," Shindo bit out evenly.

"Oh, umm, sorry. I just got distracted for a minute," Izuku said, blinking.

"A minute?" Shindo repeated back in disbelief. "You've been out here for over an hour!"

"Oh, umm, well," he muttered, glancing at the clock on the dashboard and trying not to wince. "I was just on my way back inside," he lied, shooting Shindo a smile and not quite able to meet his eyes as he hastily climbed off Katsuki's lap and-

Was pulled right back onto the man's lap and thoroughly kissed.

"Come over after your friends call it a night?" Katsuki asked, teasingly brushing his lips against his. "We'll watch really bad 80's horror flicks, devour a pint of ice cream and finish what we started?"

Izuku rolled his eyes as he climbed off Katsuki's lap, already knowing that they wouldn't finish what they'd started and he wasn't going to get more than a spoonful of ice cream before Katsuki devoured the entire pint of ice cream.

"I'm only coming over if I get my own pint of ice cream," Izuku said.


"I'll see you later, Tinkerbelle," Katsuki whispered softly against Izuku's lips.

"Have fun at dinner," Izuku whispered right back, stepping away from him as the boy gave him one of those sweetly shy smiles that he loved before he turned around and headed towards the front door, leaving him with Shindo.

The bastard that was staring at Tinkerbelle's ass like it was a delicious morsel that he couldn't wait to take a bite out of.

It was the same way that all of Izuku's guy friends looked at his boy now.

"Not going to happen," he said, leaning back against his seat as he regarded the man, that up until a few months ago had never looked at Tinkerbelle as anything more than a cute kid brother.

"You never know," Shindo murmured, his eyes still locked on Izuku's retreating ass as it swayed slightly from side to side.

"I know," he said, chuckling darkly as he sat back and clipped his seat belt.

He shut his door, turned the engine on and wasn't surprised when the knock came at his window a minute later.

"I've known him longer," Shindo said before the window was all the way down.

Katsuki looked straight ahead, nodding thoughtfully. "That's true, but that also means that your chance has come and gone."

"Maybe," Shindo murmured, "Maybe not."

"You planning on finding out?" he asked, his humor quickly fading even as his respect for the man rose.

"Maybe," Shindo said, turning to shoot him a grin, "Maybe not."

Katsuki nodded slowly, reaching for his seat belt, then the door handle. "You on duty?"

Shindo's grin grew bigger. "Nope."

"Good to know."

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