1. The collision and save

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It started out as a simple enough mission to save the world and rescue the girl. When things had to go sideways as they often do when dealing maniacs bent on destroying the world by dropping the moon on the entire world. A man by the name of Toneri otsutsuki had suddenly arrived on the scene and attacked Naruto with a chakra absorption technique that unleashed all of his stored up chakra causing a giant hole to be blown open in the moon to the outside. Allowing Toneri to snatch Hinata and flee leaving Naruto to plummet into space.

However, the consequences for this incident did not go without ramifications. You see back on earth Killer Bee is being forced to use a chakra cannon to blow meteorites to bits and is planning on using it to send the moon to another dimension. What no one realizes it won't stop the devastation of the planet by debris launched at them by Toneri from his sealed room within the moon by colliding with the earth. So, when the time came to stop the moon by sealing it away in another dimension along with Naruto and his team the moon's core along with the tenseigan energy vessel collided into the earth causing widespread devastation to the planet and leaving Naruto stranded in another dimension. Where our story begins in earnest with Naruto floating in a void without a sense of time or place.

Naruto felt like shit for a lack of a better term since, he got hit with that strange jutsu. He hadn't felt like this since the time Kurama was extracted from him and now finds himself in the middle of nowhere.

"Just great and now i've still got to rescue the others while, feeling on empty'' he thought

"Kurama do you have any idea where we are?"

"No; I haven't the faintest clue to where we are and I don't sense anyone else around here."

" I guess we do this the old fashioned way shadow clones"

In an instant dozen's of Naruto's pop into existence and begin scouring the void but find nothing except rubble.

"This doesn't make any sense I should have been able to at least find my team."

"Sadly won't be able to reach them from here Naruto" A faint voice says

"Who's there?!" Naruto responds

"It's been awhile Naruto."

Naruto turns to the voice and sees the familiar face of the Rikudo Sage Hagoromo Otsutsuki hovering over ten truth seeking balls.

"Rikudo jiji what are you doing here?"

"I came to meet with you now because of the tragedy that has befallen earth." Rikudo says

"What happened since i've been on this mission."

"The world has fallen into ruin from the energy vessel colliding with earth"

"How can that be i've only been out for a few hours!"

"More like a week Naruto and you currently; now find yourself in a different dimension."


"Yes you were sent here by a chakra cannon of some sort along with the moon's shell."

"Shouldn't that have saved the world from colliding with the moon."

"It failed to destroy the Energy Vessel that powered the moon and that's what collided with the earth."

Naruto stared at the Sage for some time before coming to a grim realization that he had failed his mission.

"So, I guess that means that Toneri … won right?" naruto states

"Yes… I'm sorry Naruto." the sage replies

"What am I going to do? I failed!" Naruto cries out

"There is a chance but, it carries great risks"

"What is it i'll do anything!" Naruto shouts

"You can go back to the past and try again."

"You … You mean i can actually do such a thing?!" naruto replies in disbelief

"Yes my power and with yours and two others should be enough"

"Two others? Who might they be?

Just then a faint light appears nearby Hagoromo and a new person reveals himself.

"Greetings my name is Hamura Otsutsuki and i see you've met my brother."

"'What, your brother!" Naruto says in surprise

"Yes i am Hagoromo's younger brother and have been watching you trying to stop my descendent from committing a grave mistake."

"I am sorry to say that I was too late." Naruto says solemnly

"Not if we act now while there is still time." Hamura says

"Good then who else are we waiting on."

"He should be here momentarily while we wait i need to explain something important to you Naruto." Hagoromo says

"What is it?'

"Should we succeed it means that by sending you back all of your accomplishments will be wiped away including your victories such as your success in stopping our mother."

"Is that all no problem i'll just have to win again." Naruto replied confidently

"It won't be easy the more you change the less you'll be able to rely on your past strategies"

"So, I'll just get stronger so that I can overcome any obstacle after all shinobi are one's that endure right." naruto says with a smile

Hagoromo smiles just as a portal of purple and black appears by naruto's side.

"That sounds like something you would say naruto." a familiar voice says

"Sasuke!" Naruto says in surprise

Sasuke appears from the portal with his rinnegan blazing as he turns his head towards the two brothers.

"I see you survived the collision just as i expected Naruto." Sasuke says

"So did you Sasuke!"

"Now that we all have gathered I will explain how we are going to do this." Hamura says

"we need to channel our chakra into sasuke as he perform a transcription seal on Naruto.''

"Wait what seal will be using?" Naruto asks

"We will be using Transcription seal Infinite Izanagi"

"Wait isn't Izanagi supposed to last only a second?"

"True but, with the combined power of the sages and the biju we should be able to send someone back to the beginning of their lives." Hamura says

"So will i return as my older self of what?" Naruto asks

"You will essentially be reincarnated back into your younger body although you may retain the amount of chakra you have now. You will be going alone, so you will have to regain Kurama's trust. You also will have to relearn everything from scratch."

" I see."

"Good luck with changing my mind again about you." Kurama says

"Naruto you may not realize this but, it also means that I will go back to being how I was before do you think you can handle that?" Sasuke replys

"Don't worry Sasuke i will be around you this time hopefully you won't turn out so bad this time."

Sasuke smiles and pokes Naruto in the forehead.

With that he performs the rat hand sign and begins to vanish into thin air to start over again.

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