Chapter Fifty Four

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes before calling her, stopping her in her tracks. "Rachel? Can you get me a phone please?"

Though she was confused about the request she nodded.

"Oh, and some shoes please."

"Anything else princess?"

I shook my head, regretting it the instant that I did. I watched as she left the room quickly and got up into a sitting position. With Rachel gone I began to think about what she had said.

It was crazy, she was crazy. There was no way I was Alpha Alessandro's mate. I didn't have much information on mates but I was pretty sure Werewolves would do anything for their mates and had this sick obsession with them.

As I was telling myself how delusional Rachel was, doubt began to seep into my head. Maybe I hit my head too hard because I started to entertain that idea. Could I be Alpha Alessandro's mate?

He hates humans, he has made that every clear from the beginning and it was common knowledge that he did. Perhaps the idea of a human mate after hating humans for so long made him not react in the same way a normal Werewolf would do if they met their mate?

He acted so strangely around me and though he was pissed off when he found out his cousin was dead he seemed more concerned about what his cousin allegedly did to me. He was angry at his cousin instead of me, he got me a therapist to help me with my trauma and hadn't killed me or Cami- yet.

Rachel was right, if this was any other human they would have been dead already yet here I am. Granted I'm bruised and not exactly healthy and happy but I was still alive.

Am I Alpha Alessandro's mate?

He wasn't the only one acting strange, my reaction to him was very strange too. I was scared of him, however, I was not as scared as I should be. I was petrified of him before I had met him but after I did meet him that fear wasn't as strong anymore. I was saying things I never thought I would ever say to an Alpha and my body was reacting to him in ways I couldn't explain or understand.

Could it be possible?

How could it be possible?

He's an Alpha and I'm just a human. Yes werewolves did have human mates but what are the chances of a human hating Alpha having a human mate?

A humourless laugh escaped my lips, it would just be my luck for it to be Alpha Alessandro and the poor unlucky human to be me.

"You sound like you've lost it. Maybe the doctor should check your head again?" Rachel's voice filled the room. She was carrying a plate on one hand and a bag in the other.

Handing me both the plate and the bag, I put the plate on the bed and opened up the carrier bag. It contained my socks and shoes so I slipped them on. I also checked the bag for a phone but nothing else was inside it. "What about a phone?"

"I was told that you are not allowed a phone?"

She couldn't be serious? Resisting the urge to scream, I asked her a different question. "How do I find out if someone is my mate?"

A small smile emerged on Rachel's face. "So you believe me now?"

"No." I told her truthfully. "I'm just curious."

"Uh-huh." Rachel muttered, sounding like she didn't believe me.

"So are you going to help me or not?" I asked as I took a large bite into the butty.

Rachel nodded. "I'll help you. You have to do something drastic and if he is your mate, he'll freak out."

"And if he doesn't freak out?"

Rachel shrugged. "Then he's not your mate."

Doing something drastic did not sound like a good idea but how else could I find out if he was my mate? I mean I knew it was very unlikely that he could be my mate but what if he was? I had to be sure that I was not mated to a psychopathic werewolf.

"Okay so what should I do?"

The next thing Rachel said completely and utterly shocked me.

"You should try and kill yourself."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter 

What do you think Nala is going to do? 

I will upload again in a few days but you can read the full story on

Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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