83. Telling

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It had been a day since I had found out, and I still couldn't believe it. I was pregnant again. I was seventeen, with two babies still and I'm pregnant again.

I mean, I wanted more children, but not now. Not when I was only seventeen. God, what's Tristan gonna say. What's mom gonna say? Mom is gonna freak. She's already told me that she doesn't want me to get pregnant again.

I was currently sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Tristan and the girls to get back. He had gone to get some coffee and burgers for tonight as I had told him that I didn't want to go out for dinner tonight.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" Tristan asks me as he walks in. He kneels down in front of me and wipes away a tear that had fallen down my cheek. I hadn't even realized that I was crying.

"I have to tell you something." I reveal

"What? Come on baby, stop crying." Tristan coos as he sits down next to me in the bed.

"Tristan, I'm—I'm pregnant."

"You're what?" He asks

"I'm pregnant. I don't know how many weeks or anything. I found out yesterday morning. Tris, we're seventeen and already have two 10 month olds. We cope now, but with another baby too?" I begin to break down

"Hey, hey, we'll be alright. We will get through it. And I will be here every step of the way. And I'm sure your mom will be too."

"I don't know about that." I scoff


"She's already told me that she doesn't want me to get pregnant until I'm much older." I explain

"Well, I'm sure she'll understand. But tori, I want you to know that I will be with you the entire time. I'm not leaving your side." Tristan tells me

"Thank you babe." I hug him and we stay like that for a while. " I can't believe I'm pregnant again. No coffee. Only eating oranges. It's weird. Normally, your cravings are different with your second pregnancy, but mine aren't."

"I'm guessing all of our children will grow up to love oranges then." Tristan jokes, trying to cheer me up.

"I don't know wether to tell mom or not." I admit

"I would tell her tori. She's your mother, she's your best friend, she will understand." Tristan points out

"You're right. I'm feeling confident right now so I should go do it now. I'll be five minutes." I kiss him passionately. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For accepting it." I respond and smile at him before heading towards the house.

"Mom, I need to speak to you." I state as I see mom come down the stairs.

"Sure, hon. What's up?"

"I need you to sit down." I say as mom was still standing up.

"Okay... are you planning something right now? Is Rory in on this too? What are you—"

"—I'm pregnant." I say quickly

"You're what?"

"I'm pregnant." I repeat

"How—How, tori?"

"Well, I think you might know how." I respond

"No, I mean, I thought you and Tristan were being safe." Mom explains

"We were." I tell her

"Then how did this happen?" Mom raises how voice.

"The condom must have broken." I say in a 'duh' tone whilst rolling my eyes.

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