59. The road trip to harvard: part 2

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"What's with the face?" Rory asks mom

It was now morning and after a terrible night sleep, I was surprising really positive. Although, the slightest things can change that.

"They're taller." Mom mumbles, looking at the flowers.

"Not this again." Rory states

"There's more of them."

"Mom. The flowers on the wallpaper are not growing or reproducing." I explain

"Wait a minute. You weren't writing in this thing, we're you?" Rory gestures to the notebook where the guests write in.

"Maybe some random thoughts." Mom smiles

"'Satanic forces are at work here.' Mom!" I read out moms comments.


"What - we cannot write that in here." Rory explains. "Here. 'Sat and forever am at work here.'" Rory writes in it

"That doesn't make any sense." Mom laughs

I decided to dress the girls in some summer dresses at the same time.

"It doesn't invoke the dark Prince, so I think it's preferable." Rory justifies


"Hey." I speak up

"What?" Mom asks

"Last night." I refer to the slight 'disagreement'.

"We're good." Mom tells us

"Okay." Rory smiles

"You know what isn't good though?" Mom questions

"You ate the fuzzy certs, didn't you?" I laugh, knowing that is what mom was going to say.

"How did you know?"

"Gross!" Rory exclaims

"They tasted like keys." Mom explains

"Okay, enough. I have got to eat. You think the coast is clear downstairs?" I ask

"Let's check the schedule." Mom gets up to get it. "Early morning nature walk - 7:30, regional history talk 8:15 - we're in luck. Breakfast just ended and the arts and crafts workshop doesn't begin for another 13 minutes. Must be when they all shower."

"Grab your bags." Rory commands.

I grab the girls in the car seats and Rory and mom grab the bags.

"Go, go, go."

We walk down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Hello, strangers!" LaDawn exclaims as we were on our way out. Me, mom and Rory all gasp. "We've all been so worried about your three, or should I say five."

"What are you people doing?" Mom asks

"We're watching hummingbirds." LaDawn responds

"They're still out there if you want to scooch in." A woman watching the hummingbirds adds.

"Flap there wings 100 times a second. It's an engineering marvel." A man states

"That was not in the freaking list." Mom points out

"We don't put think like this on the freaking list, because the delights of nature aren't on any time schedule." LaDawn explains

"Push in some chairs. We're going to make some fresh scones." The woman commands as mom nudges me and Rory, noticing the scones on the table.

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