58. The road trip to harvard: part 1

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"Oh, no music? I can't believe we forgot to bring tunes." Mom complains as we were driving. We had been in the car for hours now. I had fed Mia me Charlie several times but soon we will have to pull over so I can change their diapers.

"Do you realize neither of us have the vaguest idea where we are?" Rory points out

"What's a road trip without tunes?" Mom continues to complain.

"The sun is directly behind us." I add

"Never been in this car for extended periods of time without playing AC/DC." Mom exaggerates

"I've no idea which way it's going." I state, referring to the sun.

"I need my 'highway to hell.'"

"It's right out the windshield there." Rory points to the sun.

"Nothing on the radio but top 40 and Christian Rock. Christian rock - there's an oxymoron for you. I need my tunes." Mom tells us

"Stop complains about the tunes!" I exclaim, I was tired and I needed my bed.

"Stop complaining about the whereabouts."

"Well, Tori's complaint is legitimate. Yours is infantile." Rory backs me up

"Thank you Rory."

"Okay, you're right." Mom admits and turns the radio on, and on it is country music. "Oh, yee-ha! Yes! Country music. Must be my lucky day."

"We have to figure out where we are going." I state and turn the radio off.

"No, we do not."

"Mom." I warn

"The point of this is to be spontaneous, to drive and land someplace we've never been and never expected to be."

"Sounds risky." Rory adds

"Sounds exciting." Mom corrects her

"Serendipity has never been kind to us." Rory mutters

"Yes, but I talked to serendipity on the phone last night. She feels bad about how she's treated us. We had a nice chat. It's gonna be different now." Mom jokes

"What did that sign say? It said 'don't' or 'death' on it." I exclaim

"Relax." Mom commands

"We're doomed." I exaggerate a lot

"Wrong. We're being guided by fate." Mom states

"I think we're lost." Rory reveals

"We can not be lost. We don't know where we are going." Mom laughs

"You are going to stop before the Atlantic Ocean? Right?" I question

"I'll try."

"At least we'll know where we are." Rory tells us

"Unless it's the pacific." Mom points out and puts the radio back on.

"'Coming up, a 3 song superset from hottie and the blowfish.'" The guy on the radio says and me, mom and Rory all groan in annoyance, waking up the girls.

"Oh my god! Really?" I exclaim and Rory and mom both laugh at me.

"You know what? I love road food. I mean, what could be better than what they serve at the Haden's nut house?" Mom tells us.

We had pulled over, purely to change the girls' diapers but mom had spotted a stall on the side of the road selling stuff like nuts, which I was extremely happy about.

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